Friday, June 5, 2015

Closet chaos and what I'm reading this week

Yesterday I started digging into my closet.  Holy Lord.  I got a box of stuff for a garage sale (we have donated for 20 years, for the stuff I'm getting rid of, I want money to go toward our 20 year anniversary trip).  I'm hoping that my aunt is going to have a garage sale this year and we can glom on to hers because quite honestly, we loathe our immediate neighbors and know they would come just to be nosey and judge everything else in our garage in lieu of what is actually for sale.  Man I can't wait to move.

But enough on that, let's get to...

7 Work Habits that Make You Fat  (Good to know)

A Better Way to Apply Sunscreen to Prevent Sun Damage (Plus, 5 Areas You Probably Forget to Protect)  (Will do better for sure)

The Intense Ab Workout That Carves Crucial Core Muscles  (I need to do these.  I so ignore my core)

Channing Tatum Dances at Prank Magic Mike XXL Screening   (Video starts on landing-  Hilarious)

What Your Sleeping Position Says About Your Health  (Side sleepers raise yo hands!)

This Woman Had the Perfect Response to a Guy Who Told Her ''You Need to F--king Lose Weight"   (I would meet the guy just so I could kick him in the nards)

Differences Between Working Out in Your 20s vs. Your 30s   (Pretty funny)

How Pricey Would the "Three's Company" Apartment Be Today?  (Interesting comparison.  I wish they would've gone a little more in depth)

'Why Don't I Like My Own Child?'  (I cannot tell you how brave this woman was in her brutal honesty.  Long but wow, just so blown away and hope people don't judge her too harshly.  It's better than lying and pretending you have a Pinterest family)

10 Awesomely '80s Electronic Prizes From 'Press Your Luck'  (Love it)

15 Common Expressions Younger Generations Won't Understand  (Ugh)

The 10 Cutest Guys From 1980s New Wave   (They forgot Rick Springfield)

Vacation Sequel Trailer  (Will probably rent it, looks like it could be funny)

15 Huge Facts About 'Big'  (I love Tom Hanks)

I haven't even thought about the weekend yet.  I'm hoping to get some stuff accomplished because I would love to get some stress off mah back.

What are y'all into this weekend?

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  1. It will be weird doing a garage sale. I remember my parents having them when I was a kid and I would sell lemonade. Can't do that kind of stuff anymore without permits or so I hear.

  2. I work with the general public, so I will not invite them to my house to shop in my yard. I donate our stuff to the church rummage sale instead. I had a plan for the weekend, but may have to alter it, and just see where the wind takes us instead.

  3. My plans went out the window because I am now sick. It started with a low-grade fever on Wednesday and after my 10 hour day at work yesterday, I'm down for the count. I have no voice, my throat feels like raw beef, and my ears hurt. I did manage a shower this morning despite my head feeling like cotton. If I can just get rid of the pain in my throat, I can handle the fever. Oy.... and it's such a nice day out too! Hmphf!


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