Monday, June 8, 2015

Cleanin' out my closet and shattering news

What a weekend.  I felt like we didn't really get one.  As I mentioned Friday, I started digging into the closet.  I found some fun things like the decorations I used for the Mr and I's first Valentine's Day together as boyfriend and girlfriend.

Classy, no?  I kept a few of the doilies and let the rest go after taking a pic.  It was hard to let go of but I know if I showed it to him, he'd be like "what's that?"

I found some thank you notes I forgot I had to people in the wedding party and vendors we used.  I may not be Southern but one thing my MIL taught me was the importance of them so I've done them ever since.

Tucked inside that box was also some extras of our wedding invitations.

Yes, I know.  Old school.  But my bouquet was red roses, our wedding colors were black, white and red and we were modern little bastards for our time so these were perfect.

So that people would also not expect to come and get drunk or light up, we had this in the corner of our invite.

Before smoking bans went into effect, you could end up with a place that allowed smoking.  No thank you.  The place we chose was strictly no smoking inside but had a space for it outside.  We had people on both sides that had issues with alcohol that we didn't think we should have to deal with on our wedding day and since we don't drink, people could go without for a few hours.  After all, we fed them appetizers, a full sit down dinner and dessert, the least they could do is not booze up and act a fool.  And you know what?  We had more people up dancing than the dance floor could handle.,,they were spilling between tables and the dance floor was huge!  We had more people dancing sober than I've seen at open bar receptions because they are more worried about hovering the bar for free booze and the amount of money my dad saved was enough that he should've written me a thank you note!

Sunday it was time to tackle this bin that had all of our old Hawaii trip albums in them.  It was so heavy I couldn't lift it and they were albums before things went digital.  I decided to sell the albums since they were still covered in plastic but that meant removing all of the pics.  That took 5 hours.


I still wasn't done but my back was so out of whack that I had to stop.  I couldn't move to do a normal workout so we decided on a shorter stretch session from Do Yoga With Me but I had to eat first.

After finishing off the turkey burger in the oven, I went to wash out the glass pan and it shattered on me.

No, I didn't use cold water either.  I am always petrified that is going to happen to me since I shattered one about 10 years ago.  The Mr was kind enough to take care of it after it cooled.  Sigh.  I use that thing daily.  So I know what I'll be buying again.  Double Sigh.

Today I have a mountain of clothes to fold and try not to cry.  It probably weighs about 75 pounds.  Triple sigh.

What did you guys do this weekend?

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  1. I think I would have recognized the doilies actually. The bird? Not so much. I didn't know you kept that stuff though. I think what I hate most about getting old is the fact that as you look through all your old stuff in bins and realize much of it is now in antique stores, you realize just how quickly you got to this point and it really sucks! But at the same time we're clearing out this old stuff so that we can make way for new things so we have a lot to look forward to.

    1. I think my Mr. and I have about 20 years on you and Anele. Let me tell you about time passing too fast. It all went by in the blink of an eye. The scariest part? Every year goes even faster. My advice--enjoy the Hell out of this ride, it ends way too soon.

  2. It was a quiet weekend....spent close to home. I felt a little guilty yesterday, as I sat in front of the TV most of the weekend, pretty much watching nothing. (TV this time of year really sucks, I need to find a Netflix series to binge watch. We did watch the first episode of Bloodlline....might be something we could get into--still love Kyle Chandler.) Saturday night we took Ms. Juno (Bulldog) out for a short walk down the road, met youngest son (Juno's official owner) as we got home, who was headed out for a visit, that was a nice surprise. Sometimes I feel so happy when I look out my kitchen window and see my Mr. hoeing the garden or riding the lawn mower. He works so hard and I am so grateful that he can still do everything. It wears him out, but I think his strength will serve him well in the battle we have ahead of us.

  3. Chores and a kids' birthday party were pretty much the hi-lights of my weekend. Plus between pruning dead parts out of my roses and the mosquitoes I'm pretty sure I lost like a quart of blood. Mosquitoes love me, and I hate bug spray (the oily feel of it makes me feel gross, and the fragrances they put in give me a headache) so it's a bad combination. I finally found a spray this weekend that I didn't hate, I borrowed it from another parent at the party and I'll go pick some up today I do have to remember not to wear sandals doing yard work though, my feet are finally healing but for a while last week my feet looked like I had the measles..

    You're not the only one that has a fear of glass pans shattering. It's never happened to me, but I always worry about it. I couldn't do without my Pyrex pans either, I don't use them every day, but I do use them a lot.

    I have to get my kitchen cleared out. I have so much stuff in such a small space that I have stuff piled on top of every flat surface. I'm getting my floor redone this summer to I have to move everything out, so before that I have to weed out everything that doesn't absolutely have to be there.

  4. Oh and I tried to bake some brown sugar grapefruit muffins. They didn't turn out. I think the fruit added too much moisture. I baked them twice as long as recommended and the toothpick was still wet. I did notice that I need new cupcake and muffin pans though. So I didn't bother to clean them. I'll probably go see what Home Goods has today during my lunch break.

  5. With tax season over for another year we are now working 4 days-10 hours each. That means three day weekends through December! So the kid and me went for a 8.68 miles hike in our local mountains on Friday. Needless to say I didn't do much on Saturday. That hike seriously kicked my booty. Sunday was church and family game day. I should've decorated and been more productive but I just didn't have it in me. There's always next weekend, which for me is only four days away teehee.


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