
Saturday, March 10, 2012

Taking My Own Advice- Weigh In

Up 2 more.  But still 200 lbs lost here's me mooning you Mr. Scale.  (__|__)  

I'm trying to be zen about this.  For those who didn't read last night's food journal, I've been having immense stress issues this past week to the point of heart palpitations.  I know stress that extreme produces all of those weird "would you like me to hold onto those fat cells for you?" chemicals (which I always thought was a load of chit but there is data and blah blah blah).  It's my first week back at "full throttle" workouts.  I burned 4500 calories this past week.  My calories averaged out to 2325 daily for the week.  Based on that formula I found, I should technically be able to eat 2600 calories and lose weight but that is just way too high for my brain to compute so I chose 2300.  So I think between those 3 things, I was destined for a pooper this week.

I'm giving my body another week to adjust because I'm going to take the advice that any medical professional would tell me or that I would tell someone else in the same situation, it takes at least 2 weeks for your body to adjust to a new change and I had 2 new changes last week.  So I'm going to be a good girl, not freak out about it, make my to do list so I can get the stress monkey off of my back and move forward into this week with a clean slate and solid plan.  I refuse to let this beat me.

Have a great weekend everyone!

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  1. Stress always plays havoc with weight loss - hopefully next week will be less stressful for you!

  2. I know you've been worried about this weigh-in all week. I'm glad you're taking it all zen like. I think following everyone's (even your own) advice is the best option. Then next week you can re-evaluate. Did you talk to your doc at your physical? Any advice from that front?

  3. Awesome! I know it isn't a loss, but adding calories, giving your body a chance to adjust to that, and gaining ONLY 2 pounds is pretty awesome in my book! Give it another week and maybe you won't stress as much and things will level back out. Can I ask how you eat during the week? I know Saturdays are kind of your "what-the-hell" day, but during the week do you cycle anything at all or just keep it pretty even on calories/carbs/etc? BTW, your new pics on SP look fantabulous! What an incredible difference you and the Mr can see and feel!

  4. I like your approach girl. You KNOW your body is adjusting and the stress you've been through this week. You ARE doing what is best for your body, so take those deep breaths and know the scale will cooperate again. 200 POUNDS GONE mama!!! Show that moon! LOL!

    Since you know of my recent plight (grrrr, sob, argh!), can I just share some good news? I had my first WW meeting this morning and was done 7.6 lbs! I can't begin to tell you what a shot in the arm that was after the hell that is my life. It's something that's MINE, and that felt pretty darn good.

  5. Stress does affect our bodies more than we realize; glad you are going to give it one more week and try to relax about it. One or two weeks of testing things out is a tiny sliver of time in the grand scheme of things; you and the Mr. are doing awesome!

  6. Glad to hear you are taking it in stride, because I do think your body needs another week to adjust to both those changes. Hopefully you can keep the stress under control this week so that won't skew the results. No bueno on the heart palpitations!

    While I await the report on your next weigh-in day with bated breath, I'm going to go and make up some of those yummy caramelized onions so I can put them on everything I eat! Caramelized onion sundae coming right up!

  7. I hope you can cut down on the stress this week. Here's to a nice relaxing weekend.

  8. Zen is good!! Trust in the two-week experiment and take the results next week and see what you think. I am observing SUCH an awesome change, Enjoy living every day of it. The pics speak for you, it's working and this tweak will either speed things up or not, and you'll move ahead accordingly. Trust yourself. You've got this.

  9. Stress sucks. IT messes up everything. Hope you can be rid of that this week!

  10. Good job, girl! No stress allowed this week! Keep on keepin' on!

  11. I know it wasn't what you wanted; glad you're taking it all in stride. Here's to a less stressful week ahead!!

  12. Stress is such a nasty beast! Hang in there!

  13. Do you take your measurements too? With the amount of working out you do, couldn't you be gaining muscle? But even if not, plateaus happen! You will work through it. But take care of yourself too, especially if you're having heart palpitations! I get those when I'm stressed too & they can be scary.


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