
Monday, March 19, 2012

Musical Fat Cells

Okay, for all of you people out there who have lost weight.  Am I the only one that feels like my fat cells aren't necessarily leaving yet but "redistributing?"  My waist measurements haven't changed much but I swear there is less on the sides and more out front.  Like instead of looking just fat all over it's more like "is she pregnant?"  Not 9 months belly but you know, it all just seems to be sitting differently.  It's kind of annoying and I'd like it all to take a hiatus please.  I just discussed this with the Mr and he agrees and said the gut is like pulling up and pushing out.

Has anyone else experience this redistribution of fat as you lost weight?

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  1. I did/do have this issue, especially in the mid section. I think what happened was that I lost more quickly in my hips/thighs so my midsection was more pronounced.

  2. I haven't lost a lot the weight (the scale's stuck AGAIN) but I sure do look better! I've even started wearing pants that had to be retired.

    As long as I can see progress somewhere, it OK!

  3. My body is completely different shaped than it was when I weighed this much back in high school. Course that was 43 years and 180 lbs. ago. My tummy is still pudgy, but my lower abdomen is flat. I like that cause I can wear blousy tops and tuck them in! As long as they blouse out at the waist to cover up the pudge on top of the belt, below the belt, I'm flat as a pancake--not bad for having 3 pregnancies! My butt started getting big when I hit puberty, and I always felt like I had a huge caboose, but it no longer is big. I can wear a size 8 in slacks and a 10 in jeans, but still need a large (12-14) in tops, even though the boobs have shrunk considerably (now they hang to my waist! I know---TMI!). I always considered myself pear shaped, now I'm not sure. My legs, however are still heavy, and the upper parts have lots of excess skin sagging, as well as my upper arms. I guess I was a person who carried a lot of fat in my limbs, now all I have left to show for 30 years of morbid obesity is lots and lots of stretch marks, bad knees and excess skin and I can live with that!

  4. YES! Everything is sagging and bagging the wrong way! The love handles seem to be gone, but now this "top stomach" has sprouted. WTH!!!

  5. I don't think you're old enough for this yet, but I was always a definite "pear" my whole chubby life - even when I lost weight. But once I hit my 50's and menopause as I gained weight I suddenly became an "apple." When I was younger and fat, I always had a waist but as I aged my waist disappeared and I've got that awful belly and this weird icky "flap" of abdomen fat that I HATE! As I'm losing now, it's doesn't seem to be coming off the belly/stomach very quickly! So things definitely redistribute as we age.....

  6. I experienced a little bit of this, but I thought it was my imagination. Clothes that fit at this weight before that hang funny now, that kind of thing.

  7. Oh yes! About 2 months ago I noticed that my stomach seemed to be higher (not hanging down as low) and my "figure" seems to be a little more hour glass (as much as you can be as large as I am), so something must be pulling up and in. My measurements too are not really changing. I am not sure I like the higher belly, but I am hoping it is a sign that it will soon start sloughing off. Ha!

  8. Yes, it seems like things LOOK different in how the weight is distributed (my Mr. agrees) even if the measurements haven't changed that much. I've lost more from my behind than my waist, so pants that fit fine in the waist are baggy in the butt; if they fit in the butt, they are snug in the waist.

  9. Okay, I'm glad we're not crazy! (Well, relatively speaking!) We knew we couldn't be the only people whose fat was moving around while the weight was coming off! :)

  10. Huh, I have no experience in this, but I will be watching my measurements!

  11. Can't say for certain-sure, but I seem to be the same shape as before, just a few inches smaller everywhere. However, my thighs do seem to be a bit more toned. Now things that are comfortable in the waist are baggy in the butt and upper thigh. I don't think my waist got bigger, it just didn't get smaller as fast as my hips and thighs did.

  12. I have similar issues, and I have wondered if others did also! I basically have 2 stomachs, if that makes sense, like a bottom and top roll. They hang a lot lower and I swear some days they stick out more. I have lost a ton of weight in my legs and arms and shoulder area, but my belly is still huge. I have always carried more weight there, but I thought by now it would look a little better. I already have loose skin that I can pull out and shift around and it doesn't go back. :( I also feel like I look pregnant, which sucks! No matter what I do I have the muffin top because that is just how my stomach hangs. I really really hope these last 50 pounds I lose will have my stomach shrinking more. I know it's never going to be flat and perfect, but I hope to not look pregnant forever or something. I have lost 128 pounds in close to 2 years.

  13. It's so interesting you bring this up because I was just sitting at work the other day and looking down at my stomach realizing that it looks like it's halfway down my knees! Even at my heaviest, I was more "spherical". My waist is smaller but the kangaroo pouch seems to be elongating when I sit! LOL!

  14. Well, you might still be crazy, but not about this. When I lost my weight back before my wedding (from 218-165 lbs) I frequently had a sort of realignment, particularly before a big drop.

    Maybe you are due for a HUGE drop soon. You would certainly deserve one.

  15. Yep. I've had many of a *shrug of the shoulders* "Well at least I'm not as wide anymore" moments. I have to say, though, I'd rather have this pooch of tummy sticking out a bit than go back to being WIDE and round all over.

    It may also be in how other parts are shrinking that makes things look different. Example? My boobs got HUGE in the beginning. Most people lose there first...not me. I lost nothing in my actual boobs but a lot in the around/band size so I jumped from a comfy DD to popping out of a DDD. It wasn't that they grew...but they sure seemed to as the rest of me was shrinking around them...

    Happy to be back in my DDs now though. (Though Hubs would argue about the happiness of that situation.)


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