
Friday, March 23, 2012

Food Journal Friday - 3/19 thru 3/23

It's time for Food Journal Friday!  The breakfasts and lunches were pretty standard, nothing outstanding so just dinner pics this week.  Let's eat!

Monday I was on my own for dinner.  The Mr had a big after hours project to do at work that of course didn't go well.  But I made him the same thing I had so he wouldn't be tempted to go out for a sodium laden dinner with the boys in between.  I know I liked it!

A meatloaf panini with spinach and 1 tbsp of BBQ sauce and a small baked potato with 1/2 serving of sharp cheddar cheese.  I made his on some asiago peppercorn sourdough that we had but I made mine of TJ's fiber bread.  Calories: 632

Tuesday was a new one.  We get shirataki tofu noodles on occasion and being that they're 40 calories per bag...that's right per BAG, I usually add some stir fry chicken and veggies to the spaghetti version for a lo mein type dish.  This time I added a new to us menu item to the top.  Trader Joe's Vegan Mandarin Orange "morsels."  Something about that word grosses me out when not preceded with the word chocolate.  So I topped the noodles with the chicken but not chicken 'morsels' and a side of roasted garlic brussels sprouts.  Note to self:  Don't mix the morsels in with wet noodles or the hard work you just did to crisp them up goes out the window.  Other than my faux pas, it was good and we'll likely be getting the morsels again but putting them over brown rice.  Calories: 456

All I can say is thank God Wednesday's dinner was easy.  I got really shaky during my workout and didn't have physical strength to do a long, culinary masterpiece.  TJ's Pacific Stuffed Flounder over TJ's Quinoa Duo (with zucchini & sweet potatoes).  Calories:  610

Thursday was chicken quesadillas with lacy cheese, chipotle hummus, onions & hot taco sauce with a side of russet potato home fries.  Calories: 520.

Tonight's dinner changed last minute but the sodium and calories were similar to what I had planned so no biggie.  Half of a caramelized onion and prosciutto tart from TJ's and no salt tortilla chips with hummus and salsa.  It had to be quick and easy since we have stuff to get done.  Unfortunately because the tart is so thin, it doesn't hold you very long.  Boo.  Calories:  470

Calorie breakdown for the week:
Monday: 2080
Tuesday: 2279
Wednesday: 2244
Thursday: 2271
Friday:  2173

Average for the week:  2212

You eat anything good this week that sticks out to ya?

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  1. Yummy-looking as usual, though I probably couldn't use most of them in my much smaller calorie budget, darn it!

    I did have a dish that we really liked. A Sparkfriend, Chrissy, posted her recipe for what she called Autumn Stuffed Pepper soup (autumn because she used red, yellow and orange peppers as she dislikes the green ones). She doesn't count calories, so I had to add the recipe to my recipe box to calculate, but the soup was awesome and DH says it's a keeper. Oh, and he also loved your brussels sprouts with caramelized onions and bacon at another meal...we'll be doing that one again, too.

  2. The dorito taco loco from taco bell, but then, its not the best for dieting but great for a quick lunch with lotsa flavor and a dorito fix!
    I am working on teaching the hubby new recipes so he can prepare me better meals.


  3. I love your food! And you capture it so well! My food pictures are always just IN YOUR FACE and not very presentable. Hmh! Looks awesome :D

  4. Most of my meals were road food this week. Other than a taco pizza, nothing truly remarkable. I was just thrilled two of the "free" hotel breakfasts offered boiled eggs. :)

  5. We tried the Mediterranean chicken orzo recipe that was featured at Spark one day last week. I love how many veggies were packed into it, and it smelled fantastic. Unfortunately the taste didn't live up to the hype. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't great.

    On another note - one day if you're short of blog ideas, I'd love to read a blog about your high cal days. I've been trying to work one it for myself, but it tends to turn into a free for all, and/or last more than a day. The thought of a life without donuts, thick crust pizza, Reeses, movie theater popcorn, etc. make me want to dive into the nearest Chinese buffet. But I can't work any of those into my regular calorie budget either.

    So - I'd love to hear your advice, experience, rules, tips to make it work.

  6. Meatloaf panini?! I am stealing this idea! I haven't had a meatloaf sandwich in ages.

    I really want to like shirataki noodles, but I can't. I can't bear to waste food and that's one of the few things that I actually could not eat and had to throw away.

  7. WTF is a mandarin orange morsel LOL?!?

  8. Thanks everyone! I try to make them look visually appealing if I can!

    Czesia-'s TJ's vegan version of their best seller orange chicken. So it's like some faux chicken, I'm guessing soy? We didn't even read it. It could've been BBQ'd cat for all we knew! Yeesh!

  9. I like the shirataki noodles to a point but sometime they just have such a bland flavor and the initial smell makes me instantly sick, However I do have to agree with you the fact that you can trick your mind into thinking your eating an entire bag of noodles for only 40 calories is quite appealing!


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