
Monday, March 5, 2012

3/5/12- Food Journal

Short n' sweet-ish.  I'm late and a movie is starting.  (The Retreat)

Breakfast was a bowl of oatmeal with a banana chopped up inside, a tbsp of Better N' Peanut Butter and a serving of Dulce De Leche Cheerios.  Honestly, I wouldn't get the Cheerios again.  We tried the Peanut Butter ones too and meh.  I don't get why everyone is so ga ga over them but to each their own.

Snack was a raspberry fruit leather.

Lunch was a TJ's chicken hot dog on a whole wheat bun with mustard and onions, usual raw veggies and 1/2 tbsp of dip, fruit salad of honeydew, cantaloupe, pineapple and a clementine, honeycrisp apple with apple dip, 1 oz cheddar, apple cereal bar and iced tea.

The Mr had a mishap when the was lifting the trash out.  I was tempted to yell "wimpy, wimpy, wimpy!" but life is not always a Hefty commercial.

Dinner was fish tacos with homemade refried beans and a little cheddar on top.  Yum!

Since the Mr got a movie, night snack will be TJ's lite kettle corn and a mug of  "drinking chocolate."  It'll be good when the hot chocolate runs out.

2360 calories for the day and 910 calories burned with Turbo Fire 55.  Fingers crossed this upping the calories thing works.

Off to watch the movie.  Oh yeah, we watched The Big Year last night with Steve Martin, Jack Black and Owen Wilson.  I must say we both really liked it.  The subject seems boring (birding) but it was actually quite sweet.  Recommended!

Feel free to share your eats in the comments or any movies you think we should rent.

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  1. I've got to check that movie out! I'm a big Jack Black fan, and my hubby LOVES a movie like nothing else. He would have married a movie if it was legal LOL! I laughed at the wimpy wimpy wimpy part! That SUCKS!

  2. I like the Peanut Butter Cheerios, but not so much that I would lose my mind over them.

  3. Wow, all of that looks sooooo good! You are making me hungry!

  4. I did a pay per view on Ides of March last week. It stars Ryan Gosling and George Clooney (YUMMY!), and was quite good. I remember when The Big Year came out and seeing the ads for it on TV, it looked pretty funny. I will have to check it out. Another one that I bought for myself as a Christmas present that I really liked was Crazy, Stupid, Love. I also bought Super 8 but haven't had a chance to watch it yet. Can you tell I LOVE movies??!!

  5. Love the actors in that movie, sounds like it must be funny as well as sweet...will check it out. We're way behind in the movie category, no time to watch movies during basketball season.

    I got my husband some peanut butter Cheerios--I can't stand Cheerios in any form--but he agrees, would rather have the old stand-by, honey nut Cheerios. My four teenaged grandsons and their sister will be here at the end of the month. Problem solved.

  6. I hope increasing your calories helps you get over the plateau! And I believe I recognize that first bowl from Anthro? :)

    I love your lunches. That's how I do my lunch too--lots of small things! I call it my lunch tapas.

  7. Thanks guys! If anyone rents The Big Year, you'll have to let me know if you like it or not!

    Ohkeeka- Close! It's from West Elm. Love me a dinnerware sale! :)


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