Friday, July 24, 2020

What I'm Reading This Week #30

Skoo-da-leedooo, it's Friday!!!  I thought if I went into it more enthusiastically, it'd trick me into thinking something awesome is on tap for the weekend.  I'll report back how that goes.   It's been a long week and I'd say I'm ready for the weekend but, you know.   2020.


Now let me invite you to see...

4 Arm Exercises That’ll Help You Feel Stronger While Kayaking  (One day it'll be cool enough to kayak again without fear of heat stroke.)

Monkey study reveals weightlifting strengthens 1 vital organ before muscles  (Good for you all around...start lifting!)

6 Tips For Squashing Negative Self-Talk and Feeling More Confident in Your Own Skin   (I wish it came naturally to me, it doesn't.)

24 Clever Uses for Plastic Bags You Have Lying Around the House  (Anyone else have a big plastic bag full of small plastic bags???)

The 12 Dysfunctional Rules of the Narcissistic Family  (Um, yep.)

20 positive changes to make in your marriage, according to experts   (Important stuff!)

Patient pup waits his turn at the ice cream truck  (Aww, sweetness!)

Dog groomer tricked into working on her new puppy  (So sweet!  Lots of squealing in case you're on a Zoom call.)

Bugs Bunny Stamps Coming Soon!  (Break out the pen and paper or cards and send someone a smile!)

Tiny Hedgehog Goes Camping And His Adorable Photos Will Make Your Day   (OMG, cute OVERLOAD!!!!)

Last night we ran over to a local shop that had a pick up order ready for me but we grabbed a few other things before heading out.   The owner and I chatted for a few minutes after she grabbed my pre-paid order and that's the most people we'll probably see for a few weeks.  The weekend might be spent getting some digital clean up going but that's about all I can think of especially since it's still going to be a sweaty sauna outside.  No thanks.

You got any mischief on tap?

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  1. I feel sleep deprived this week so looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow. If not for that I would not know the difference at all between a weekday and the weekend anymore, but I'll take what little difference there is. Have a great weekend everybody!

  2. I've had my Bugs Bunny pre-order in for a week now. Can't wait to get those! =o) Very good articles.

    Typical plans of groceries, laundry, house stuff, and working. I did get through one box yesterday in the office and have a bin next to me to empty out today too. For me, that's progress. LOL Yesterday afternoon was a really beautiful day out with strong breezes with low humidity. That all ended as of last night though so now we're in the (literal) thick of it. Have a great a/c kind of weekend!


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