Monday, July 27, 2020

Meh Weekend Recap

Happy Monday everyone!  Last one of July and in the midst of the dog days of summer.  Woof.

Friday was actually pretty nice.  An old friend of ours was doing a live stream concert with his jazz band that's been together for decades and I wasn't going to miss that.  We've always said we should go but aren't bar people so this was the perfect solution.  I sent the Mr an Evite for a wine and jazz date and surprised him with the concert.

It was a nice evening and they really did a great job.  We were kind of cringing at the sax player blowing out into the audience but just made us even happier we weren't there in person.  The wine was only half flat but still made me hot to prepare me for when peri-menopause decides to sneak up on me one day.

Saturday was pretty meh.  We couldn't decide what we wanted for lunch so we drove around for awhile but never really got into the "country" so it just felt like a frustrating aimless drive around town.  We stopped at some horrible fast food place outside the city because it was the only option to which I put two mints in my mouth a few minutes later to wipe the regret off of my taste buds.  I considered yaking out the window and then thought of the logistics of that at 50 mph and it's something the people behind us nor the passenger side of the Mr's car would appreciate so I refrained.

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I was antsy again and I suggested we drive by the nearest Hobby Lobby to see if it was crowded.  We couldn't really tell so we masked up with our Air Tamers and were ready to bolt if there was a crowd.  I knew exactly what I needed so I grabbed them and I was going to get the heck out of there but the Mr wanted to look at models and I was happy to oblige since I figured he'd want to get out too.  We never encountered another person there except for a woman who almost came up our aisle and waited for us to pass.  I'd say we were in there less than 15 minutes. It was nice to see a familiar store but still don't feel comfortable being out there even though if we go somewhere it's the last hour they're open.  So I've got my pumpkins for the window box outside for the fall and a few pumpkin picks for the pot out front.  We came home, stripped and threw the clothes in the wash and watched some old school Saturday morning toons in the form of Looney Tunes, Tom & Jerry, Scooby Doo and some School House Rock we had on DVD.  I can't tell you how nice it was to relax and laugh to that stuff!

I know y'all are sick of seeing pics of my morning glories but here's another one.  We had six total which is the most we've ever had at once and there are two you can't see on top.

It was also the first time we had two different colors at once.  Color us easily amused these days. 

Sunday was a snooze fest.  Watered the plants, thinned the morning glories out front which refuse to bloom and the leaves are so big, it's filled in the trellis and we've named it Gossamer.  It was hotter than hell out there so no desire to be out in it.  I made grilled cheese and soup as one does when it's 90+ and then we stared at each other.  We decided to get our workout done and we did the booty day on Barre from Beachbody on Demand.  I'm sure I'll be hobbling today.  We stared at  our screens for a few hours, I made dinner and we zoned out in front of the tube.  Renovation Island is our only form of must see TV these days and I know it's going to be coming to an end soon. 

Such thrills.

I reeeeeally need to focus on water.  It's been badder than bad lately.  Don't know why I told you that, I suppose more of a reminder to me.

How was your weekend?

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  1. I am so glad you thought of doing the livestream of the concert. I really enjoyed that and I can see that option becoming a thing even after this pandemic is over. They had people from all over the world enjoying their music which was really cool. As for the rest of the weekend, meh is the right word for it but what ya gonna do?

  2. Happy Monday!
    My weekend was a combo platter like yours. I got the outside chores done real early to beat the heat. I've been loving on my tomato plants, have over 50 maters, just none red yet, pfft. Yesterday was a wd40 day lol. I went around squirting everything that squeaks including the whirlygigs lol.
    My field trip for the weekend was Menards. I got back from walking puppers and the sky opened up to an amazing downpour. I love sitting in my covered patio during storms. Ended the weekend with my Sunday bath ritual and binged "the final 24"
    Have a great week!

  3. Happy Monday!
    My weekend was a combo platter like yours. I got the outside chores done real early to beat the heat. I've been loving on my tomato plants, have over 50 maters, just none red yet, pfft. Yesterday was a wd40 day lol. I went around squirting everything that squeaks including the whirlygigs lol.
    My field trip for the weekend was Menards. I got back from walking puppers and the sky opened up to an amazing downpour. I love sitting in my covered patio during storms. Ended the weekend with my Sunday bath ritual and binged "the final 24"
    Have a great week!

  4. A new week has begun! It was a pretty good weekend. Worked and had a few aggravating issues, but nothing earth-shattering. I did manage to squeak out a few hours of sleep yesterday so that was good. I also changed up my routine and moved a lot of Sunday things to Saturdays instead so I don't have a list to deal with when I get home from work. I was really happy with that yesterday and will keep doing that going forward. Had a storm come through last night that really had the winds whipping and that looked very cool with the cornfield. Today is sticky and dreary but winds will change out to the north this afternoon so the humidity should go down quite a bit. Here's hoping! =o)

  5. This week is supposed to be cooler which is nice. It means I might actually be able to spend some time outside, now I just need to figure out what to do outside.

    This weekend... meh. Friday I worked in my classroom, Saturday and Sunday I worked in my basement. My house is almost done, I'm working on the last room. 9 boxes of stuff donated plus a few random small appliances donated or tossed. I'm watching Psych from the beginning and I'm just ready to start the last season, and the kid and I are watching The Flash from the beginning and are partway through season 3. Just not a lot of excitement going on here.


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