Thursday, July 16, 2020

Our Week in Pics

Welp, we decided to pull the plug...

on our Aerogarden.  For whatever reason, with each harvest of the romaine lettuce, it either started dying off or would come back bitter.  The last bit was paltry at best.

I slapped some on a veggie burger and we called it quits until seeding time next year.  (Or maybe if I try to force some paper whites around Christmas.)

We got a nice note from the FedEx guy.

We make sure all of our delivery peeps are taken care of and the Amazon dude loaded up the other day.   I'm sure that might be the only lunch they have time to eat some days so I hope the Pringles, Nutter Butters and Cheez Its held him over.  😄

We got our first white flower on the vine.

It held up all day so it didn't get the morning memo but that was fine with me.

I decided it was time to try TJ's fresh scallops that we picked up on our run last weekend.

I have to say, I wasn't super impressed.  No matter how much I dried them off, I still couldn't get the water out so I didn't get a good sear.  I put them over some of my jalapeno "cornbread" cheesy grits.

I thought I'd refrain from taking a picture of us dropping off our recycling for fear of putting you over the edge with jealousy.

The thrills keep on comin'.

How's your week?

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  1. Yep. That about sums it up. Exciting, no? Still, I'll take it without the added burden of having to study. It has been nice in that regard.

  2. It’s been a while since I’ve checked in. I’ve been reading every day, but on my Chromebook which is set up to a different email address, and then I’m too lazy to log in on my laptop. So… Hi!
    Congrats to your Mr. on passing his test. I never doubted he would pass it, but it’s a huge burden off his shoulders (yours too). My favorite childhood book, I really liked those little abridged books and I had a bunch I liked (Heidi, Connecticut Yankee are the first to come to mind). My own kiddo loved Pinocchio, Poky Little Puppy, and Monster at the End of the Book. I wonder what happened with your lettuce, and what you can do differently next year to make it last longer. Fresh grown lettuce in the summer would be amazing.
    This “worldwide time out” has been tough on everyone, and unfortunately it has brought out the previously concealed crazy in some people. Neighbors that saw each other maybe once a week, in passing, before now are seeing each other a lot because they’re all home and some of them are finding out they can’t stand each other. I feel for your neighbors, but you guys don’t need a ride on the drama train.
    I’ve been staying busy with my annual deep clean/declutter. It feels like it’s going ridiculously slowly. I’m hoping to have the upstairs done by tomorrow and be able to start on the basement on Saturday. The basement is going to be ugly but I know how much better I’ll feel when it’s done.

    I'm pretty sure my mailman hates me. I should put out snacks/drinks for her. I've been ordering way more than usual.

    1. I've been thinking about you and hoping your district is taking your and your students safety into account. So glad to "see" you! I took this year as a "learning" year on the Aerogarden and glad I'll have more options for next year where annuals are concerned. Sounds like you're doing a good job on your deep clean! I wish I could say I've been as motivated!

  3. Sorry about your aerogarden. =0( That's such a disappointment. The note from your driver had to brighten you day though! We got one like that from our UPS guy this week as we have a big note on the cooler with a message for all of them. The hubs had a big grin on his face when he brought it in. The scallops looked good with how you got them to work. I cut the lawn on Tuesday and it took 1 hour 20 minutes and I re-injured the back of my knee, so that has sucked. It's an ongoing issue so I'm doing all the things I need to do for it but hobbling is the norm now. I was going to go to the grocery store today but I can't do it with this knee, so I'll be indoors today. Was very busy yesterday so I didn't get in any sleep after work so I ended up being awake for 24 hours before conking out at 6pm last night. So more napping will probably happen later today too as I'm still quite tired. Super hot and sticky here this whole week. Blech.


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