Monday, July 20, 2020

Fiery and Tipsy Weekend Recap

Happy Monday to ya's.  I hope you were able to not melt and such over the weekend.  It was hot as balls out there and our objective was to stay in the A/C.  The weekend started off with a conversation with someone about some crap going down that I "should be in the loop on."  (I shouldn't have.)  I'm kind of debating whether to talk about it in a separate post that I've scheduled and reverted to draft several times because it airs some stuff but I also feel like it could be a cautionary tale.   I'm still mulling it but not quite how I wanted to kick the weekend off...anyhoo.

My body was ready for a rest day.  We really broke ourselves last week with the workouts.  I wish we had the motivation we used to have.  It feels more like punching in and out for work.

Saturday morning, I saw another purple morning glory which is what they typically look like.

So all of the colors in the mix have bloomed at least once with pink being the dominant color.  At this point, I'm just thankful for every bloom because the sun is trying to kill every plant in full sun so the umbrella may need to go up in the afternoon to protect them a little more.

We got take out from a Nashville chicken place not too far from us and brought it home. 

I'm glad it was good this time because when we ordered it for dinner a few weeks ago, it was awful.  Since we don't know how small restaurants will fare, we figure get in the places that aren't chains because they'll be the first to go.  I love Nashville chicken and when that place is good, it doesn't love me so we'll say we stayed home for a few hours and leave it at that.  Later we went to the nursery when it was pretty empty to get some plants for a pot whose annuals have fried in the sun and then did our drive in the country.  It's always interesting how you can find back roads and surprise!...a new way to get to a place you might've passed through once in your life.

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The Mr has kindly taken on the task of copying over some home movies from DVD.  We've been talking about doing this for years and never did it.  Finally, when having watched anything of interest on every platform out there, I was getting ragey.  Let's add more frustration to everything else going on.  It's not that I don't have things I could do *looks around house* but yeah.  He bought this external drive, so we could hook it up to our TV with them on there when we're bored and want to get nostalgic.  I'll take what I can get.

Due to aforementioned ragey-ness, we also added more to our 80's DVD library.  (We still like DVD's, I need something physical in my mitts.)  We had a lot of old shows from back in the day like All in the Family, Dukes of Hazzard, Three's Company, etc but there are more we wanted to add so we could have a few nights where we just go back in time for a few hours.  We added Night Court, Buck Rogers, Happy Days, Facts of Life and a few others since Hollywood isn't going to have our normal programming back in time for Fall.  So it'll be like new old TV nights for us.

Saturday night, I was on edge, big time.  I was fidgety, bored and everything was just getting to me.  I decided to bust open that apple wine we bought at Christmas from Aldi.

I wasn't a huge fan off the bat because it tasted like apple cider vinegar to me, which is why the Mr liked it.  But after a few sips, I didn't taste that any more and damn when you're not a drinker, one glass is all it takes to send that edgy monster to chill on your mental couch and walking diagonally across the bedroom.   I think I might now understand all of that wine apparel they try to peddle on social media.

Sunday I was up at 5:30 am which seems to be my protocol the past two weeks and only getting in 5-10 minutes of lucid sleep every 2 hours until I get up.  Yay.  I made brunch while the Mr had the laundry going and we got to labeling some of the home movies on the drive because what else were we going to do that sounded remotely "fun?"  (Especially since it was tipping triple digits.  I am in hell and they forbid being outside naked which is the only appropriate "outfit" for the occasion so...)  We got in our workout and tried to stay sane the rest of the night and topped it off with another glass of wine because now I'm on the countdown for it not to go flat.  What a shame.  At least we were treated to some lovely colors post sunset:

How was your weekend?

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  1. Is it me, or are weekends going by faster during this pandemic? Sure feels like Mondays come around quickly lately. I know it matters very little since we're mostly home all the time, but I'd still prefer the weekend to take it's sweet time.

  2. What a beautiful sunset that is. Gorgeous. Good weekend, went by fast. The usual things of shopping, laundry, and all that jazz. Managed to sleep pretty well yesterday after work and did well overnight last night without too much tiredness until around 7am. The hubs car wouldn't start at the gas station this morning so he called AAA to have it towed, and then walked home 2 miles in his full gear of double layers, fleece jeans and boots that weigh a good 10 lbs. Poor fella, said he was soaked to the bone when he walked in the door. Thinking it's a simple fix, hoping not too expensive (went to our old, old mechanic), enough to get him through a couple of weeks while we look for a used car for him. Texted the owner of a mechanic's shop to see if he knows any place selling for the amount we want to spend. He's checking so we'll see how it goes. Poor guy lost a whole day of pay for his troubles. But on the upside he finally got to meet the garbage guy and they were chatting when I got home. That guy used to work at the same place as the hubs for seven years, so they had stories to share. Now we wait for texts and phone calls. lol

  3. It was balls hot here too. I took the kiddo to the pool Saturday, but didn't go myself since they are only letting a small number of people in per session and I dind't want to take some kid's spot. Finished the upstairs of my house, now to deep clean/decluter the basement. That's going to suck since everything I don't know what to do with eventually migrates to the basement.


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