Monday, July 6, 2020

Grillin' and Chillin' Weekend Recap

Happy Monday to you all!  I hope you were able to relax a bit this weekend and if you spent any time outside you didn't ignite or get sunburned.  Our weekend started with some big "excitement" for me.  The morning glories finally bloomed!

I love the starburst effect inside!  These were a mix so I wasn't sure what color would bloom.

They seem to be closed up by 10-10:15am everyday so I need to make a point to get downstairs earlier.  I am so happy to have raised them from seed to bloom! 

Another planting triumph were these:

My wee bridal veil cuttings that I bare rooted from an Etsy gardener, have finally been blooming their pretty white flowers!  I have them mixed in with geraniums and English ivy on the window box.

I'm so glad I chose to do those as filler because it would've taken a ton of ivy to get all of the drippage I wanted.  But I love how it looks like the picture above it is spilling into real life.

I was the grill master on Saturday and was thankful for the prep we did the night before so we could enjoy a plate of filling summertime goodness.

Thank God for ramekins and my obsession with small condiment bowls to keep a plate manageable. 

It was hotter than balls out there so we listened to some tunes and turned on the outdoor misting fan(affiliate link)

It definitely helps keep things more tolerable for the time you can bare to be out in the heat. 

I got the Mr hooked on Renovation Island (aka Island of Bryan) while we cooled off in the A/C.  We went back outside later when it cooled down and listened to some fools shoot off fireworks for 2 hours straight.  I suppose that cancelled vacation money went to some good use for whoever could see them, which wasn't us. 

Obviously, its not summer until we jam one of these in our gullet to lessen the chance of heat stroke.

(Medicinal...calorie exempt.)
We drove around for a bit and visited our dog and fur sister at the pet cemetery before heading home.  The Mr had a coupon for Redbox but there is nothing good to rent for a decent price right now.  It looks like once some of these go from premium $20 rentals from being released straight to VOD that we'll have a few good rents in our future FINALLY.  The past few years have totally sucked for movies.  I remember when, on a good month, we'd be renting at least one a week.  I honestly don't remember doing that in the past three years. 

Then it was winding down for the night and that's that.

How was your weekend?

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  1. You are the grillmaster. All of that was as good as it looks and hit the spot! So nice not having to go out for food and get BETTER quality food as a result! It was nice chilling and you did hook me on that show for sure. I can't wait to see the next episode, next week. This week I have to really study hard for my test and kick butt on it Saturday. I can see my freedom in sight but cannot take my eye off the prize now.

  2. Such pretty flowers!! The fruits of your labor are showing! My weekend was good. We were completely anti-holiday in retrospect because we did nothing traditional. LOL Typical chores, worked all weekend. We grilled hamburgers Friday night, the hubs had a burrito on July 4th and I had a torta and that's all we ate all day, then yesterday we had crock pot meatballs on cute little crusty rolls. No chips, beans, salad, nothin'. Not sure how we managed that but it was just plain hot and neither of us felt like moving. LOL The dogs did enjoy some pup cup ice cream and seedless cucumbers for their snacks, so they were happy dogs. Another week of blistering heat is upon us. Yeesh.


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