Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Hump Day Poll: Start or End?

♫ Sunriiiiise....sunset. ♫

I love both but I'm usually up for sunset and like to just spend that time chilling and thinking about nothing.  The only time I'm up for sunrise, I'm on Maui or Kauai or somewhere on the water.

Which do you prefer?  Sunrise or Sunset?

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  1. Definitely sunset for me. If I am seeing the sunrise, there had better be a good reason for it, and not just because of my job.

  2. I'm generally a sunset kind of girl. I love when there is a good mix of colours. I appreciate a good sunrise if I am awake enough to enjoy it. That doesn't happen often, even though I see a lot of them in the back half of the year during my commute to work. I drive east in the morning but most times I am too distracted to enjoy.

  3. I like sunrises in the winter here and sunsets in the warmer months. There was a gorgeous sunset last night on my way to work after a brief rain unexpectedly came down. And probably the most beautiful sunrise I've ever seen was this past Christmas morning when it was oddly 60 degrees. Absolutely breathtaking. I keep that picture on my phone. =o) Sunsets on the lake are probably my favorite kind.

  4. I'm an early riser, so sunrise, but I love both


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