Friday, March 20, 2020

What I'm Reading This Week #12

Happy Friday all!  I hope you had a great week.  It was the Mr's first week at his new job and I don't think he knows how to act with people not slinging crap at him every 20 minutes and trying to sully his good reputation.  It'll take a little adjusting but I think it's going to be a quick one once he realizes it's for real.  Unfortunately, his new job coincided with our kitchen reno starting and in a roundabout way, the pandemic allowed him to telework this week.

Let's work on...

Why Does Traffic Seem So Stressful?  (Excellent tips for those frustrated with their commute for better health.)

Cardio vs. Weights: Which Is Better for Your Fitness Goals?  (Great arguments for both!)

How To Wake Up And Not Feel Like Going Right Back To Bed  (Good suggestions.)

What Actually Helps You Recover From a Workout? Very Little  (I've gotta disagree to some extent on foam rolling.  While I feel like I should feel better than I do an hour later after foam rolling for 20 minutes post-workout, I feel 20x worse if I skip it altogether.)

Empaths ~ Adrenal Fatigue, Insomnia & Exhaustion  (Yes to all.  Went through a pretty big episode a few weeks ago when all aspects of life shut me down.)

Need a Rest? New Research Says Squatting or Kneeling May Have Far More Health Benefits Than Sitting Down  (I don't know about kneeling if it's a hard surface but I'm down to pop a squat!)

I'm So Excited to Bring This Kula Cloth Along on My Long Runs When I Need to Pee!  (Would you runners use this??)

11 ways you're secretly sabotaging your sleep   (If you think I'm going back to waking up with the adrenaline-inducing screech of my old school alarm clock, you're outta yer friggin' mind!)

Home organizing hacks to simplify your life  (Why didn't I think of slide 8??)

How to Make Your HIIT Workout Easy on the Knees   (I modify as much as possible with HIIT.  My leg muscles are already screwed up but if I have a hereditary pre-disposition to bad knees, I'm not going to speed up the process.)

Billy Idol is Protecting NYC Air By Telling Drivers to Shut Their Engines Off  (OMG, LOVE this!!)

We were supposed to go on a road trip to get an order for the kitchen but it would suck to just go there, grab the order and basically come back.  I thought I saw that area is a hotbed of activity right now.   Now I have to pay $80 to get the damn thing shipped which is almost as much as we paid.  😣

We should've had the weekend to get our house back in order but given they are not finished like we were told they would be when we booked it in January, that won't be happening.  We have no place to sit, we can't really go anywhere, and we have appliances being delivered Monday when they'll still be here.  So if you're bummed you have to stay in, just be really friggin' thankful you have a couch to sit on and a functioning kitchen.  Once again, our timing is impeccable.  I'm taking up drinking this weekend with my 3 bottles of wine I have for no reason.  Apparently, it was for just such an occasion!

Any exciting plans for you this weekend?  {sarcasm}

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  1. No plans at all. Today I grocery shop for my peeps while hunting for tp for them. Tomorrow I grocery shop for us which will be quick because I really only need some fresh stuff. My meeting got cancelled until at least April 15th and I suspect it'll be longer than that. I cleaned out my linen closet yesterday and it never fails that I completely underestimate the timw. It took 2 1/2 hours!! Lots of crap I threw out and lots of donations with decorative towels I've never used and some other things. It looks great in there now, but I was pooped by the time I was done. That's just sad. Try and have as good as weekend as possible.

  2. Yeah we will not be getting the house back in any order until next week now so limbo for us this weekend. I am still looking forward to a couple days of sleeping in regardless. Try to have a great weekend everybody!


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