Friday, March 27, 2020

What I'm NOT Reading This Week #13

Howdy, y'all.  I hope you're all doing well and staying home.  I also hope you like the space you're in because looks like we're all gonna be in 'em for longer than we thought.  Oh well, you do what you've gotta do to not be a selfish turd. 

Sorry for the lack of posting this week...something had to give and this was it especially if you read Monday's post.  That also means I had zero luxury of reading anything this week.  I was lucky enough to shower yesterday and wash the scourge of the Earth off of me.  Sometimes not being PigPen is the most you shoot for given your circumstances.

So instead of the usual, here are scenes from our week.  (Riddled with typos, I'm sure.)

When the workers finally left on Monday afternoon, we were just glad to not have constant exposure to multiple dudes who we know are not taking pandemic precautions.  I think we were actually their last job.  It's not even done.  There's one door that was not adjusted measurement wise when I added a wall covering to the side of the pantry.  I get it but I feel like we should split the difference on that one since it wasn't caught.  They allowed me to deduct the cost of the door from the final total ordered since it's not installed.  That's great but I'm not gonna lie, I will have a sinking feeling until that company is back up and running and I get my door.   They are doing the responsible thing right now which I support but "open concept" in that spot is not an option.  I'm doing a lot of praying on that one.  So yeah, until that's done, no kitchen reveal because it just looks kind of stupid right now.  (Not like it's done for other reasons anyway.)

What we were left with upon their exit was a smoothed ceiling and dangling LED recessed lights that looked like some modern art installment.

We were also left with a huge patch job from installing said lights.

Because people don't think sometimes, I had to go back and spackle and sand areas we knew were going to stick out past the lights.  Yes, that would be the heating duct which is why I told you not to drill there electrician and somehow it ended up costing us an extra $100 for the pleasure because of the lights we were forced to get.

(Note my Vienna sausage fingers,  I'm obviously not hydrating)

After my spackle and sand fest all over the ceiling with spots I knew I couldn't live with, it was time to prime.

Two coats of primer on a ceiling.  Do you know what that does to one's body?  No?  Be glad.  Because then I had to do it two more times with ceiling paint for a total of five coats with the Mr stepping in for one once my body seized up on me.

I had to paint the wall for my own mental health because seeing that huge patch just made me want to cry.

I repainted the whole first floor and while it looks nice and crisp compared to the life battered version of pre-reno, the only people that will notice that difference are us.

Then I had some sawing I needed to do:

We had the skeletons of couches in the living room but no way to sit on them so it was kind of rude the way they taunted us.  Last night we were at least able to get the slipcovers and cushions back on and the table moved back to where it's supposed to go. 

We celebrated that small victory and honored the two year anniversary of Grandma's passing with her homemade noodles which I froze at the beginning of the month.

Beef and noodles were her favorite.  I miss her so much.

My legs are pretty much done and I've been limping for 3 days now which I don't have time for.  I want to get things back in their place because our lives have been in semi upheaval for a month and total. mentally exhausting upheaval for 2 weeks.  What's going on out in the world can't even be of much thought right now and I suppose that's a good thing.  But like the Mr said last night, "I'm ready for all of this "fun" people are having in isolation like game nights or movie nights kicking back for hours."  I agree.

How was your week?

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  1. Good grief, talk about stress! And you're not done yet. EEK!!
    My weeks was so-so. Hubs is working tomorrow so I'll be doing the grocery shopping real early and getting right back home. I have to shop for work today but it shouldn't be a whole lot to buy since I've been stocking them up on their essentials as much as possible. I'm hoping for a shorter day than last Friday, so I can be home with the pooches. Warm and stormy this weekend so one of the dogs will be stressed so I have puzzle games for him with treats that will hopefully distract him. Try and have a decent weekend and revel in sitting on those couches when you can!

  2. I experienced the worst anxiety of my life that first week. Getting back to at least closer to normal will help a lot with that as long as we don't read the news constantly (too late). Stay safe out there everyone!

  3. Your ceiling looks great! Kudos to you, painting ceilings is not for the faint of heart!
    Pretty normal week, adjusted to working remotely. Just need to reel in my eating habit as Dr Now calls it.
    Stay well!


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