Friday, March 13, 2020

Last Day and What I'm Reading This Week #11

♪♪  Oh happy day!  (Oh happy day!)  It's the Mr's last day!  (Oh happy day!)  ♪♪

Sorry, that's going to be sung on rotation all day today around these parts.    It always amazes me the true colors people show when someone moves on from a position in which everyone took advantage of them.  One day you're "brother" the next day, "you're dead to me" and they don't talk to you.  I am SO glad he's out of that environment and I can't wait for this new chapter in his career.  He told me two weeks ago that I made the news.  He said a welcome email went out to his new team and his new boss said: "I hear his wife makes good desserts!"  If that's not a hint and a half, I don't know what is!  You know what I'll be doin'  😉

Let's get to...

5 Signs You're A Work Martyr Who Is Sacrificing Yourself For The Job  (Ahem)

Know When to Stop Overdelivering at Work  (All they ask is you deliver.  Period.)

5 Gardening Ideas to Give Your Yard a Beauty Boost  (Ooh, pretty stuff!  I love the layering part)

Study Finds Walnuts Are The Best Nut For Supporting Healthy Aging  (That's why it looks like a brain!)

How to Make Small Spaces Feel Luxurious  (We're tryin')

Five Prerequisites for Inviting Happiness into your Life  ("Whenever happiness shows up, always give it a comfortable seat.")

Why I Can’t Stop Exercising—Even Though It’s Hurting Everywhere  (Accurate)

Why Do I Get Butterflies in My Stomach?   (Always wondered.)

8 Hacks That Will Stretch Your Sense of Time  (Well, I'm going to barf every time I think of a frog now.)

How To Make a DIY Wireless Wall Sconce  (It's going to happen.  I like the method they used here to screw it in more than jerry rigging wire like some other tutorials.)

Hearth & Hand’s Spring 2020 Collection  (Those rose gold placemats tho!)

Vermont: Images of the Green Mountain State  (Man, I love that place.  We've been to a good amount of the places too.)

This weekend we'll be getting the house ready for invaders next week.  The kitchen will never have been so clean, I'm sure!  Lots to get done but hoping to find an hour or two to relax in there too.  Will have to figure out just how much exposure we want to the public but that's really no different than any other weekend.

Stay safe y'all!

What are you doing this weekend?

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  1. If only my job could have been the way the last 2 weeks has been - 1 week of class and 1 week where I was considered a short-timer and not asked to do anything at all. I could have gotten used to that. Have a great weekend everybody. I know I will! Stay safe!

  2. Congrats to the Mr on the end of a dark season and the beginning of something FAR better!

    No big plans for the weekend. Hubs works tomorrow so I'll go to a meeting then grocery shopping. I've decided to fire up the old deep freezer that's been sitting in the basement for 20 years with loads of crap on top of it. I'll be cleaning that off and the inside and seeing if it still works. Other than that, the usual laundry and house stuff and plenty of pooch time. Have a great weekend and enjoy some down time if you can!


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