
Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Taco Tuesday!


Sorry, that's just what I associate Tuesday with now.  We got a great price on the patio remodel!  That's what I'd like to say.  Instead, I'm here to report we heard nothing.  When the guy was here Friday, he did say something about our email and if he had the right one.  No one verified it before he left so I sent the office manager a follow-up email at 2:30pm telling her that and that I was just checking in since he said we'd have the estimate yesterday and didn't hear anything yet.  I'm getting a cringy flashback to last year when we were trying to find a contractor for our fence and no one was calling/emailing us back.  I even purposely wanted to start calling now because of how much trouble we had in May.  Oh, as I check my email, I see she said we'll get the bid in the morning. 

Mmm hmmm.  Believe it when I see it.

I got some work done, OD'd on a Paranormal Lockdown marathon in the background and started hitting a wall so I  knew if I didn't get up, I was going to end up face down in the couch cushions.  We went for a walk around the hood for three laps.  Since I did a pretty extensive lower body workout the day before with deadlift hell, my legs didn't appreciate almost 3 miles of asphalt even after a good 20-minute stretch session and such upon our return.

We ate dinner...

Glazed ahi tuna, sweet potato gnocchi, and mixed veggies.  Then we had to take care of some stuff and before you know it, it's 10pm.

Riveting blog reading, isn't it?  (Though I see from many of your comments yesterday that you had about as exciting a weekend as we did!)

What is your spirit animal?  Or if you prefer, what did you have for dinner last night...I have a food rut I need to get out of.

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  1. Taco Tuesday is definitely how I think of it lately too. Who doesn't love tacos? I am glad we went for the walk when we did. It was just the best part of the day to do that. As for my spirit animal. Dolphin is the first thing that comes to mind.

  2. The tacosaurus is really cute.

    This time of the morning, my spirit animal is a sloth. I'm just not a morning person.

    Last night was Penne pasta w/ veggies and a little cheese. Tonight will probably be avocado tostadas.

  3. I am all over the tacosaurus. Definitely doing tacos tonite. I did just buy and air fryer too, can't wait to try all the "unfried" fried options now.

  4. Last night was crab cakes benedict. We cheated and bought the frozen Phillips brand crab cakes, mushed each one into 2, and then did eggs benedict. An upscale breakfast for dinner! Tonight is taco Tuesday, only we are having korean tacos with kim chi slaw.

  5. Last night was leftover meatballs and decided to cook up a little pasta to go with it. The hubs had chicken tacos last night though from some rotisserie chicken. =o)


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