Friday, March 2, 2018

What I'm Reading This Week #9

How the heck is it March already!?  Yesterday after the Mr worked a double, I pouted him into taking the day off to go see a movie (Game Night with Jason Bateman and a surprise appearance from our favorite serial killer!) in the theater.  His work has been a stirring pot of hell stew lately and there's just something fun and relaxing about being off on a day not attached to a weekend to go see a good movie with some Trader Joe's lite kettle corn smuggled in your jacket.

But enough of our antics, let's peep...

Nuts May Be Key to Fighting This Common Cancer   (Pass the nutcracker!)

Don’t Sabotage Your Health with Ultra-processed Foods  (Okie Dokie)

15 Foods Nutritionists Eat Every Day—and So Should You  (Looks like we're gonna need a lot of nuts, people)

8 Questions to Ask Contractors Before Hiring One  (In case you have some looming projects you need to hit this year)

20 Nighttime Habits Guaranteed To Help You Sleep Better  (Good tips)

Here’s Why You Don’t Have to Sweat to Get a Great Workout  (Gotta admit I believed this one)

40 Heart Foods To Eat After 40  (Yay, we already eat a lot of these!)

What To Say To Someone Who Is Grieving  (Yeah, don't say "they're in a better place" ever.)

Not sure what's on the agenda this weekend but I need to get out of the house.  Cabin fever has set in.

What are y'all up to?

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  1. I am glad we went to the movies, it was nice to get out. Felt like Friday already though, which always stinks. But today is really Friday! Everyone have a great weekend!

  2. Glad you got out to enjoy the day! Tomorrow I have a meeting, then house stuff to work on. Sunday I'm having breakfast with a friend of mine, then the hubs and I will go grocery shopping. The weather is supposed to be sunny and moderately warm, so getting outdoors with the dogs will be a priority.


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