Monday, March 26, 2018

Yawn worthy weekend

Howdy do all and happy Monday.

Friday, we had the dude out to look at our patio area.  He was okay but liked to talk over you and that was irritating.  We do like that he's a mom and pop type place and not some huge conglomerate but if papa overcharges, he isn't getting the job.  I was disappointed he didn't bring any sample bricks for us to look at.  He said what he would suggest and said he'll email us pictures but I know monitors are not representative of colors IRL so we're going to have to see something before we sign anything.  He basically just took measurements and said he'd get back to us today on price.  Pray for anything under $1500. 

Saturday we tried to go to lunch at a place we'd finally agreed on and by twenty minutes after opening it was already full.  Denied.  We went to another place with reliably good burgers and lamented the non-parenting style of parents who let their kid wander from table to table interrupting people's dining experience.  You're barking up the wrong tree if you think we're going to fawn over your kid, be prepared for side eye.  We did a little shopping and then turned on the fireplace which always equals naptime.  Two hours is napping, right?  We went to Whole Foods, Trader Joe's and Target for the majority of our grocery shopping.  I got the stuff for the Easter platter I bring for the adults and two maple eggs for Grandma.  She's not really eating anymore so I don't know how much of them she'll eat but they will be the last time she has them.  :-(  The late part of the evening was spent trying to convert the Mr to a Marlon Williams fan (affiliate link) and I think I'm almost there.  I need to buy the rest of that album Make Way for Love because I already love five songs on there.  If anyone is in NYC, he's playing the Music Hall of Williamsburg, Brooklyn tomorrow.  Adopt me and take me with you.

Sunday I did a little work whilst the Mr did laundry.  We went to the grocery store for the last of the produce.  Then it was down to do a lower body strength session and my 30 minutes of PT, rolling, stretching and vibration board.  Jealous?  It was a pretty uneventful weekend in the scheme of things.

Please tell me yours was more exciting than ours.  

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  1. Yeah, it was a pretty uneventful weekend. The fact that I was literally yawning when I started to proof read this for you is telling. At least we got our chores done and a good nap to boot.

  2. Last week was spring break, and we spent it with my parents and packed so much into one week. I got home Friday and basically spent the weekend catching up on chores that didn't get done last week. So exciting right?

  3. Mine was low key and I like it that way, so I was pretty relaxed. Got my hair done Sat. morning then we did chores around the house and the dogs got play time and walk time and drive time so they were happy. Sunday was grocery shopping in the morning and then some house stuff, although I was not as productive as Saturday. Did the laundry ahead of time so that felt great. My new plan is doing laundry Thurs. and Fri. nights so Saturday is just sheets and towels. Have a doc appt. today to go over my labs (already saw them online so I know what they are)and will run errands this morning.

    Hope the patio guy comes in low!!

  4. Nope, not much more exciting than yours. We took the BF's son to his minor hockey wrap up party and visited the BF's grandmother for her 79th birthday celebration. We did start spring cleaning the toys that seem to always gather in the living room. I had a massive headache most of last week, so an easy weekend was good for me.

  5. Graduation for my youngest in Bellingham Washington. Lots of food fun and laughs. Back to reality this afternoon flying back to Chicago.
    Have a great week!

  6. Ours was almost as "exciting" ... we did have another couple over for dinner & a movie Sat. night. "Autopsy of Jane Doe"--OMG! I thought it was a "cozy little murder mystery"--Uh-huh. It was a horror movie (I like "spooky" but don't like "blood/guts/demons from hell" type.) To top that off--my husband left town for work on Sunday--now I'm laying in bed at night alone thinking about that darn movie scared to death. LOL--well, that'll teach me to read MORE REVIEWS next time. Rest of the weekend was LAZY TIME and I LIKE IT THAT WAY SOMETIMES.

  7. Forgot to mention: I agree about kids in restaurants. JUST. STOP.


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