Thursday, March 1, 2018

February Recap

Let's see how my goals for February stacked up with how it actually turned out.

Food Plan for February:  If we're going to have popcorn, it must be for movie night only not because we're using it as a way to satisfy boredom.  Since movies have been total crappers that means we'll likely only have it once a month or so if we're lucky.  Drink hot tea instead if you need to do something with yer face.  Unfortunately, we're starting the month in our favorite foodie city so this plan will have to go into effect upon our return where we'll probably end up breaking even by the end of the month to what we weigh now.  *facepalm*

How it actually went:  The popcorn thing got a little better, but I feel like there still room for improvement.  Still working off Chicago weight gain, so we weren't lucky enough to "break even" by the end of the month.  

Exercise Plan for February:  I'm going to have to find what I can to keep my strength up.  Even 10 lb weights are sending a searing, fiery pain in my right elbow.  From what I've read, I can see this is going to be months to possibly two years.  The one consistent thing I've read is breaking up the scar tissue and I started this with Graston techniques two days before I knew I was getting the laser at the chiro so I will keep that up as well as using this microcirculation pad I have which I've also read is key.  I'll have to ice right after workouts too to keep inflammation down.  When you have problems lifting a water bottle, it's maddening, to say the least.  I'm also hoping the leg issues continue to improve and I want to walk more to adjust to the new shoes and just getting used to being up more even if that means a lap around the hood that does not count toward our workout.

How it actually went:  Well, if you saw how my Valentines night ended, you know that plan went right out the window.  When standing up made you feel like you were going to collapse in on yourself and ANY activity was immediately punished.  My elbow was the least of my worries, and despite the break from weights, the elbow pain is still there.  

Water Plan for February:  I want to say I'll improve but I always say that.  I'm at a loss.  I just set up a reminder on my business email starting at 9 am on weekdays, and I'm hoping I can figure out how to push it back every hour or something to pop the reminder up again.  I'm so bad at this, and it's been my Achilles heel for my whole life.

How it actually went: I rocked it.  It has been the one consistent thing I did in February.  That reminder pops up for me every 30 minutes, and I'm usually done with my first bottle by 2-3pm instead of 7pm or not at all.  Plus given it helps with muscle cramps, you can bet I made it a priority!

Sleep Plan for February:  Get to bed by 1 am.  I know that sounds insane but night owls will feel me.  I'd prefer to say 12:30am, but I need something to work toward for other months, right?  I think 12:30 am is a good goal, but I don't want to declare it yet.

How it actually went:  Most nights I was pretty good about this.  12:38am seems to be some weird time I always get to bed.  The other night I went to bed at 10pm, and I just could not get to sleep until about 11pm and then I woke up at 1am and was up a good bit of the night.  I will never be an early to bed person like the Mr, but it has been an improvement from the previous month.

Mental Health Plan for February:  Make a date night with a couple that we haven't seen since Fall.  Put a bug in the ear of some old co-workers that we used to lunch with once a year to see if they want to plan something for March.

How it actually went:  Didn't do either one of these given the events of the past two weeks.  I've had to cancel my chiro appointments too so I didn't think I could commit to any social ones until this leg business has been somewhat sorted out.

Goals for March

Food:  Continue with cutting out "extra" snacks/popcorn.  Play around with cutting one thing out of my typical breakfast to see if there is scale movement since exercise will be limited.

Exercise:  Inner thighs are STILL tender so be good to them as they heal.  No kicking workouts for the first part of the month.  Continue with stretching making sure to include the front of the ankle to see if I can exorcise the ankle demon.  Will not up walks to 3 miles until I can do a 2 miler without inner thigh tenderness the next day!  Focus on upper body and one lower body in strength sessions until mid-month when I re-evaluate progress.  NO BAND for PT exercises for now-breaking up scar tissue is more important.  Stand up and stretch with each water reminder.

Water:  Keep up with current water intake and see if I can push it to another 1/2 bottle.  I'm bad about getting up to refill so I MUST work on that.

Sleep:  Get to bed by 12:30am.

Mental Health:  When legs show true signs of bouncing back, make the plans you wanted to make with friends.  The Mr needs a night to let go...his work blows so make sure he's taking time to unplug for even 5 minutes.  Mute more and open the back door as weather allows.

How did your February go?

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  1. Wait to go on the water! I know that's a tough one for you. I am writing my plan this morning. Thanks for the great idea! Happy Friday Eve!

  2. oh I love this! March goals I am so stealing this... that'll be my post today also!! thank you for the inspiration

  3. I like your goals for March and you should commend yourself on the goals you set for February as I would say you did great overall.

    I definitely like the idea of unplugging and I will set that as one of my goals for March.

  4. My goals were a complete failure for this past month as far as consistency. I had good days, but never a solid string of them. Two things I did well with though were water and down time for myself. I made it a priority to get rest and take naps when I needed them on the weekend and that really made a difference, not only with feeling physically better, but I am amazed at how much I got accomplished on the weekends even with that down time. It's like my mind was so much more alert and I was more efficient in what I was doing. Not overthinking things was a monumental change for me.


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