Friday, January 26, 2018

What I'm Reading This Week #4

Happy Friday, you awesome people!  I'm ready for the weekend as usual and I bet you are too.

Let's get right to...

Can Lack Of Sleep Cancel Out Your Workout If You're Trying To Lose Weight?  (Something to think about for early bird workout peeps)

It Wouldn't Be Leg Day Without These 20 Epically Effective Exercises  (Because we all need to torture shape our legs more)

4 popular cold 'remedies' that don't live up to the hype  (Well, bust my buttons)

13 Benefits of Weightlifting That No One Tells You About  (Good reasons to pump some iron)

The 5 Best Exercises to Do If You're Trying to Lose Weight   (Excellent ways to work multiple groups at once.)

Small Diet Changes that Yield Big Results  (A few things to consider)

75 'Healthy' Foods That Aren't  (Some you know for sure, others can easily be eaten as long as you read labels)

These Are the Best YouTube Workout Videos, According to Our Editors   (Um, the fact isn't on this list makes me feel like they should consider sweeping their editors and starting over.)

Why This Year's Flu Is Killing So Many Young, Healthy People  (Watch out for these symptoms)

I don't think we have specific plans this weekend.  I do want to try walking more to get my ankles and legs used to my new shoes.  The Saucony LE2's definitely are not good workout shoes.  They slid around and I feel like I overpronate in them pretty bad.  We walked the other night for an hour for 3 miles and I felt bunged up but I know I have a short window to get used to them and walking around the house on occasion ain't gonna cut it.  Exciting, eh?

What do you have on tap this weekend?

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  1. Happy Friday everybody. Looking forward to getting out and about for a bit as we near the end of January. Doesn't it seem like January has been going on forever?

  2. Happy Friday! It's going to be 50 degrees today with high winds, and then goes back into the 30's for the next week, so I need to enjoy today while I can. Which will be challenging since I have to work, but grocery shopping will seem more fun if nothing else. ha! I have a hair appointment tomorrow and then it's a lot of house stuff to work on. Nothing exciting at all. =o) Enjoy your weekend!


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