Tuesday, January 23, 2018

New toys and friendship joys

Yesterday was a great day.  I got in my workout early.  Since I'm dealing with tennis elbow right now per the chiro, I was told to lay off of weights for now.  Well, I can't lay off lay off so I did this bodyweight workout and used 10 lbs weights.  I was able to tell the position that my elbow didn't appreciate so I was able to modify it but that didn't stop it from feeling a little throbby later.  The chiro lasered it Thursday and said it was due to overpronating while lifting so once this heals up, I will have to go slightly lighter and work back up to what I was lifting.  Stupid body.  So that was all done and I could enjoy the time with my friend without worrying about having to workout later.

There is nothing better than getting together with a favorite girlfriend and just having some time to talk about life...good and not so great.  She's newly married (but has been with her hubby for years) and it was fun hearing about how life has and hasn't changed for her.  I told her to bring her wedding pics with her and they were so beautiful.  We were there but it was neat to see how the pics turned out that she was taking during golden hour.  The last time she was here she said she wanted to see our wedding pics...from 21 years ago.  She's a photographer so I thought it would give her a good chuckle to see ours.  She said the only thing that kind of drove her nuts is she wanted all of the dudes to put their hands into their pockets instead of them just hanging at their sides.  It's so funny to see the differences in how styles and prices have changed.

It gave me a chance to test out my new juicer the Mr got me for Christmas.   (affiliate link)   OMG, it ROCKS!!!  I used to use the hand squeeze version and that did fine but I always still had to dig into the flesh that was left.  Not with this baby!  It gets it all and the cool thing is you can adjust the level of pulp you get in your juice.  I don't like pulp but the Mr loves it so I made our homemade lemonade for dinner.  For lunch, she lit up when I offered fresh squeezed lemonade and mixed it with iced tea.  So I would say that is my favorite new tool fo' sho!

I made our lunch which was a snap to throw together...

Thank God for organic salad mix and then I added dried cranberries, clementine wedges and some cashews with bacon onion vinaigrette.    The main dish was a quinoa veggie bake that I made last week then froze the last two pieces and at 10am, I threw them into the mini Hot Logic and by the time we ate it was pipin' hot.   (affiliate link)   She couldn't believe how hot it kept it as the steam rolled off and I think she might get one since she's a nurse and this would allow her to make whatever she wanted at home or even a frozen meal placed right in there and ready when she is.  I love that thing!  So I got to spend more time with her and less time cooking.

The Mr came home and we all chatted for about an hour.  She had to go to take care of a car issue but we loved seeing her brand new car.  The Mr helped her come up with a plan to get a good deal on her first car and she and her hubby did pretty well.

When she left, I heated up some turkey chili from the freezer while the Mr conked out from being up early to do his workout.  Then I watched some boob tube while the Mr read his book, Sleeping Beauties.   (affiliate link) 

Do you make a point to connect with your friends for a gab session in person?

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  1. It was so nice to see our friend and her new car. So glad we could help walk her through her first new car purchase. It's nice to act as a mentor when possible.

    I enjoyed that book and recommend it to any Stephen King fans out there if you don't already have it. It was a Christmas present and it was a nice long read (I only read a little each night) and started it just after Christmas so it was nice to finish it, especially once I get close to the end where it's harder to put it down.

  2. That sounds like a fun day. It's nice to spend the day with your friend, and lunch looks amazing.

    To the Mr. - I have Sleeping Beauties on my shelf but haven't started it yet. I've been hesitant to because most of the King fans I know were not impressed. You're the first positive review I've heard from people I "know" vs just random reviewers online. Thank you for getting me excited to read it again.

  3. I'm so glad you had such a fun day! It sounds like everything was perfect and very relaxing, which is awesome.

    I do make it a point to see my friends in person when we can get our schedules to work. I have a friend whom I knew since right before I got married and she comes into town for a few months at a time every year and we make it a point to celebrate our birthdays when we can, or Christmas if that's when she's in town. Some other friends I see more often throughout the year and I always feel so refreshed afterwards. I like that we can share the nitty gritty of life without having to make it sound like everything is grand if it isn't, while absolutely celebrating the good things in life as well.


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