Friday, January 5, 2018

What I'm Reading This Week 2018 #1

And so it starts all over again!

It's the first Friday links of the new year so let's shiver me timbers into...

The 21 Laziest Ways to Lose Weight  (I'm down with the lazy way for now)

What to Do When You've Lost Your Weight-Loss Mojo  (Good tips)

The 1 Thing You Can Do For Better Sleep Will Only Take You 5 Minutes Each Night   (Sleep is just as important to weight loss...must remind myself of this!)

10 Genius Mind Games to Keep You Motivated to Lose Weight   (I don't know about "genius" but good stuff)

Keto, Whole30 diets rank last on one best diets of 2018 list  (For those considering either)

If You're Going to Fall on Ice, Here's How to Do It Safely  (Tis the season)

11 Things in Your Home That Are Making You Unhappy  (These all apply...must get to donating)

Gene Wilder's Widow Pens Heartfelt Essay on Actor's Battle With Alzheimer's  (So incredibly brave and sad)

17 Ways to Age-Proof Your Brain  (Exercise your noggin)

Vintage Video Games:  From Pong to PacMan and Beyond  (For the Mr...and you too if ya want)

I'm pretty sure we'll be taking down the Christmas stuff this weekend since tomorrow is Ephipany.  I'm ready to have my living room back.  No other plans that I'm aware of and I'm totally fine with that!

What are you guys doing this weekend?

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  1. Down with the tree for me as well.
    Getting my little for a few hours today. Then getting back on plan (weight watchers)
    Have a great weekend!

    1. I'm going to plug in the tree today and tomorrow and enjoy it one last time. (I am keeping up my travel ornament tree for another week or so since it's small. Hee hee) Have fun with the little and good luck on WW! It was our first week back to it and it's like "why isn't the dough weight gone yet?" LOL

  2. I will have to remove the xmas lights soon but will wait for a decent day to do that - no way am I doing that when it's single digits outside! Have a great weekend everybody!

    1. Looks like we're getting into the 20's in a day or two. I'd take it while you can get it! ;-)

  3. Back to work today. Ugh. I'm not ready! I've been reading all of your posts, but on my Chromebook and since I sign in there on a different account than I do here I can't post from there. I'm not ignoring you. :) I'm sorry your holiday season reinforced your choice to go out of town next Christmas. The holidays here were pretty good here. I'm really sorry you had to deal with drunk and inappropriate family members.

    I hope you get some relaxing time in this weekend. I have some housework to do because I've been lazy the last couple days and I have a couple recipes to batch cook and freeze.

    1. I'm sure that's the hardest part about your profession, you feel just as bummed as the kids do when break is over! LOL No worries on not being able to comment. So glad to hear your holidays were good! Ooh, feel free to share what you're cooking! I was just thinking the other day I wanted to do some batch cooking myself.

  4. Today I had a fantastic meeting, then went to the burbs to have lunch with a friend (awesome food!). Then came home, took a nap, and then we brought in a big table from the garage up to the spare room to make room for the snow blower, which we picked up yesterday after work. That table works nicely for to fold clothes to give away so I worked in the spare room too. Tomorrow is grocery shopping if the snow isn't too bad, then lots of laundry. Scintillating stuff, I tell ya. lol


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