Monday, January 22, 2018

It's Howdy Doody Time!

Well, not really but better than reminding you it's Monday.

Whoops, too late.  Let's make it a positive...

It was a nice weekend.  I got a goodly amount of work done Friday thanks to the Mr.  I spied a Kauai condo for sale that is in a rental pool.  It's enticing and we're going to see if we can get the financials and more importantly if the HOA allows A/C to be installed.  Mama can't stay with no A/C because every single time we go there the trade winds seem to go on vacation and we're not investing in a place that we can't even stay at ourselves.  LOL  It'll be interesting to see what we get back from the realtor.

Saturday we finally weighed in from the holiday carnage.  I'm 3 lbs up and he's 6 lbs up from our last mid-December weigh in.  I'm about a pound higher than I expected but it always takes twice as long to lose what you put on if you're lucky.  Oy.  We went to lunch and then went to an antique warehouse and I got a wonderful surprise.  I saw my "work dad" there!  Do you guys have work parents or are you a work parent to others?  I started there when I was 20 so pretty much everyone was older than me at the time but he was my work dad and the woman who hired me was my work mom.  We were so happy to see each other and talked for about 15 minutes.  We talked about our travels since his retirement.  He didn't get to travel when he worked because he had kids continually in college, then grad school then one went for her Ph.D. and I always hoped he'd get the chance to travel.  He's been overseas to Normandy, Florence, Rome, Paris and a few other spots.  You could see his face light up as he relived the places he drove.  He said, "where's your coat?!"  I laughed and said "in the car!" and we cracked up because he told his wife "she would come in from the freezing cold with no coat and I'd ask where her coat was and she'd say "in the car!"  Nothing's changed!"  It was truly my happy moment of the weekend.  I was able to connect with my work mom in Savannah, GA almost 3 years ago so I'm a happy girl since you never know if you'll see people again once you leave a job. 

Yesterday was spent cleaning pretty much all day.  I am so grateful the Mr got straight to it as I was making brunch because it's always nicer if they do stuff without you having to ask.  Am I right, ladies?  :-D  So the house is in tip-top shape (well the bedroom doors will be closed but we can't have it all) for a visit with one of my favorite gal pals.  Her hubby gifted her a girls weekend this weekend so I can't wait to hear all about it.  I'm making us lunch and hopefully, she'll still be here when the Mr gets home from work so he can see her new ride.   (He was pretty helpful in guiding her to getting a good deal.)   I'm working out this morning so that when she leaves we won't have to do a whole ordeal as I fill him in on the day.  I know he'll groan having to get up early to workout but he'll be glad when he doesn't have to do it tonight.

What did y'all do this weekend?  Do you remember your "work parents?"

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  1. It felt good to just get up and get right to it. Also feels good to have it all nice and clean after removing all the (most anyway) holiday decorations. Hard to believe it's been nearly a full month since Christmas already. Wow!

  2. I don't really know what I did with the weekend, but it sure flew by. It snowed yesterday, but sadly not enough for a snow day or even for a snowman. Still, first snow of the year so I was pretty excited.

  3. So glad you had a good weekend and I hope you had a wonderful visit with your friend today! It always feels good to catch up with pals we haven't seen in a while. Weekend went by fast, but was productive. Today I had two major shopping trips to do and it just about killed me. My feet are SO sore right now and it's my fault because I know better than to push it like that. But I lollygagged way too long in one store so I paid for it at the next store which took just as long. lol It hit 50 degrees here today with lots of fog and some rain. Right now it's thunder, lightning, rain, and some hail thrown in there, and will be turning into snow after midnight with a high of 30 degrees tomorrow. ACK!!! Crazy weather!


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