Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Unsettling peripherals and sad nekkidness

Happy Hump Day all!

You ever sit there and see something out of the corner of your eye out the window?  I went to investigate and saw twice the amount of robins than I was able to take a picture of.

This was unsettling as the Mr and I just watched The Birds a few days ago.  (Awful!  Confirmed, I am not a Hitchcock fan.  This was supposed to be his masterpiece and we both hated it.) 

Yesterday was a sad day for us because the tree finally came down.  There's just nothing sadder than a nekkid tree stripped of its ornaments.

Given how utterly crappy my foot/leg felt upon getting up and hobbling to the bathroom, I didn't think I was going to be able to do much stand up work yesterday.  But the lighting was too good and after some massage and rolling, it felt like I could at least stand for a bit.  I did a vegetarian dish and was happy with what I ended up with but I wish I wasn't eating lunch at 3:30pm because of it.  Pfft.

We did a strength workout and it was all I could do to get through it.  My elbow is seriously screwed up to the point I can't lift weight very well.  I don't know if this is what tennis elbow feels like even though I haven't played tennis.  I made an appointment with the chiro for tomorrow so I might see if he can zap it.  It started up when we started doing ChaLean Extreme and lifting slow and heavy.  Step in line bod...mama ain't got no time for this!

After that, it was dinner taco night.

How's your week going so far?

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  1. Those birds were about to pop out some little birdies from the looks of it (hard to tell in the pic, but I saw them up close). It is weird seeing the living room without the tree now, funny how quickly you can get used to having it there.

  2. I hear you on the tennis elbow thing. I've been struggling with it for a few months now and I think it's the way (and length) I hold my Fire. Between my elbow and upper arm/shoulder pain, it's just a constant ache.

    Today is one of the dogs birthdays (or at least when we celebrate it) so I have a heart-shaped treat for them later today. Today is the last super cold day for the week and could possibly hit the 40's this weekend so a lot of the snow will probably be gone by then. It's a good thing I have the rubber booties for the dogs because that sloppy mud is the main reason I bought them, even more than the snow.

    The hubs had a bad scare Monday morning going to work with his coworker where they hit black ice on the interstate and went across all lanes of traffic and would have ended up in oncoming traffic if they hadn't hit the ditch first. He said he's not sure how they didn't flip over but they didn't -- thank God! Needless to say they got off the interstate where they could see a bunch of more accidents up ahead of them and took the lesser traveled roads to get to work. He said it was very quiet in the car after that. Eek.


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