Thursday, November 30, 2017

When VR and reality collide...literally

It's Thursday Y'all...sliding ever so much closer to the weekend!  Also, it's the last day of November which means tomorrow we're sliding into December.

Yesterday was D-Day part two as I got ginger molasses, cut-outs and cookie butter oatmeal cookies all swaddled and in their freezer beds for a little while.  If I thought passing up licking the spatula on chocolate dough was hard, the cookie butter oatmeal was 20x harder.

I almost had myself talked into a little bit about five different times but I somehow relented.

I wanted to get more done but I ran out of butter and I pulled a muscle in my back the night before so going to the store wasn't in the cards for me.  The Mr was kind enough to get a few boxes and some other things I needed on the way home.  Nothing like being in the middle of making eggnog cookies to find ya gots no nutmeg!  I've got to wrap that stuff up today then we can get the house cleaned back up for company Monday.

While I made doughs, I got together the ground turkey with spices and enchilada sauce for turkey tacos then all I had to do was heat it up after our workout.

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The Mr has been working on getting my stuff to transfer over to the new laptop.   (affiliate link) It's some big gaming monster which doesn't apply to me but I do so much editing and have 124 tabs open at all times on three browsers.  It was on sale for $650 and with all of the birthday and Christmas money I've been hoarding for four years, I was able to buy it outright which was nice.  (Plus I got $69 back from Ebates shopping through Dell's site.  I'm telling y'all, get on that Ebates train if you haven't already.  I've already gotten $110 back this holiday season!  If you sign up through my link  (affiliate link) and shop by 12/31 then I'll get $25 and you'll get $10 back.  I'm at over $500 cash back since I signed up a few years ago.)   Sorry, back to the laptop.  The one I have just was not able to handle what I do on it and the Mr will be able to edit videos on it if the desktop is rendering stuff during the busy season.  He's envious of mine but you got your VR crap with your birthday/Christmas hoarding money, sir.  Did I ever tell you guys he broke one of my food photography dishes like 3 days after purchasing it, flailing around like a madman in the office?

via GIPHY (probably watching that IT Pennywise experience in there)

Yeah.  Mama was NOT happy and lucky for him it was a dish that could be replaced then I punished him with an extra long trip to Hobby Lobby and other craft stores.  HA!  So if VR is on your radar, just make sure there's nothing breakable within a few feet and at arm level.  No...that box isn't actually there but the plate is.  I guess it's a good thing he didn't pick it up like a ninja star and hurl it through the window.

Have you made any new technology purchases in any form lately?

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  1. This reminds me if when my friend got the Wii. Her son was playing tennis on it and broke their new 54 inch tv by throwing the remote through the screen!

  2. I'm sometimes a bull in a china shop anyway, but add VR to that and, yeah, it was bound to happen. I think I've fortified the space a bit more now and I only try to get games that don't require quite as much space.

  3. The hubs has destroyed a few things in the living room over the years playing interactive stuff with his PlayStation. The only techy thing I'll be buying is new phones (which reminds me...I need to go buy new phones online -- ha!)


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