Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Trimmin' the tree

Happy Tuesday all!

I did a little finishing work on some Christmas stuff like wrapping a present, setting up Grandma's gumdrop tree and putting out the greens and wreath.  We didn't get a chance to get out to the pet cemetery this weekend so we went when the Mr got home from work.  It was time to put the girl's trees on their graves.  We've been bad about visiting this year but I was not going to miss the Christmas trees. 

Her favorite was standing under the tree and let the tinsel hang in her face and bat her eyes when it hit her.  It never bothered her enough to move though.  We think it's no coincidence the year she died we were missing our smallest glass icicle ornament so she could have it for her doghouse in heaven which undoubtedly has a fantastic tree that she's curled under right now with an empty box of Snausages at her side.

When we were done with the trees, we stopped by a nursery to grab some extra greens I forgot to get for a spot on our armoire.  They had some gorgeous displays set up.

Mother Nature was putting on a nice display herself.

As is required by law, there was a cat on premises.  This was the only shot I could get of it not blatantly licking its genitals.

Then we came home and did some Turbo Fire and I did PT, rolling and stretching while the Mr cut up my veggies for the week.  I made dinner and we settled in and watched Dog and Beth: The Fight of Their Lives.  I know a lot of people don't like them but we got hooked on the show back in the day and are hoping for the best with Beth's cancer journey.  It's so nice to have the tree lit every night.  Donna- I read that review about the Balsam Hill you talked about and I just keep reading so many people talking about returning them because they're so gappy, I may have to find what we can see in person  I don't even want to think about that right now.  Oy.

That reminds me though...if you want your Christmas decorations to be shared in a post in mid-December, I'll probably need them by December 10th.  I love seeing how you all decorate and even if you've shared in the past and your decor hasn't changed much.  So keep that in the back of your mind.  You Facebookers can message me if ya like or email me at mrs {at} succesalongtheweigh {dot}com.

When do you start decorating for Christmas?

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  1. I'll be getting out tree Sunday, getting into the holiday mood!

  2. Glad we got the trees out for the doggies. I do love the way our tree looks so it's hard to think we might have to replace it, but it's unravelling after all these years and we more than got our money's worth out of it. Sigh. Guess we will have to look at some of the stores to see what we like and then hope we can get lucky in the after xmas sales.

    1. Me too. We've been bad about decorating this year. It rips my heart out to think it's time to consider getting rid of the tree. We'll have our answer when we pack it back up, I'm sure. Then when you look at trees in stores it's like "ugh, THIS is the best you've got!? I'll pass!"

  3. I'm done decorating - I'll have to take a picture to enter! I love that you do trees for your fur-babies. Our cat just loves the tree - he's never done anything bad (besides chewing on ribbons and then puking them up) and just loves to sit under the tree and stare at the lights. I meant to watch Dog and Beth last night too but forgot!! Was it a one-time only thing, or are there more episodes to come??

    1. Yes definitely! ROFL...there's a festive yak! Glad he was okay! It looks like it's on again tomorrow and Saturday if you want to set the DVR. http://www.tvguide.com/tvshows/dog-beth-fight-of-their-lives/1137668/

  4. Been busy decorating since Sat. Exhausting. I keep thinking I won't put so much out but I love it all so much when I'm done. The mess right now is horrible however. Every year I find it takes me a bit longer...dang I'm old!! Love the cardinal display you found. I've got my own. I'll send pictures when (if?) I ever get done.

  5. I love your doggies trees. So sweet! I haven't begun decorating and know I'll be a minimalist this year. The hubs normally puts up the tree in our bay window (we have two gigantic trees in the basement that we used for years, but honest to Pete our house is WAY too small for them, so they'll be getting donated. I do have a couple of special things I plan on putting out and will send pics of those. The place where I work looks amazing. Every hallway, the reception area, the entire outdoors are all decorated to the hilt. I've never seen so many Christmas trees in one place! They do a beautiful job and this is my first time experiencing it and I'm quite awed by it.


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