Friday, November 3, 2017

What I'm Reading This Week #44

Happy Friday all!  I hope you had a good week.  

Let's grab some tissues and blow right through...

How to Beat the Office Cold… Because You Know It’s Coming  (A hazmat suit probably wouldn't hurt either.)

10 Foods That Can Lower Your Cholesterol  (Yum...a pretty good list!)

11 Home Remedies to Try When You Can’t Stop Coughing  (For my hacky hubby)

A Weight-Loss Expert Explains Why We Sabotage Our Goals and How to Stop  (Interesting thoughts)

5 Signs You're Losing Muscle Instead Of Fat   (Wow, wouldn't have guessed a few of these.)

An Expert Says You Should Be Lifting Weight This Many Times a Week  (Dispels a pretty common weightlifting myth in there.)

Saving His Music: A Story of Memory and Meaning  (So heartbreaking)

What It's Like to be Married to a Celebrity (Interesting perspective)

Dave Grohl host Jimmy Kimmel as David Letterman  (SOOO funny and the mashup with Kristen Bell is hilarious.)

I won't know our plans until we see how we feel.  I'd like to get some Christmas shopping wrapped up and then wrap the gifts.  The Mr beat me to it and wrapped my stuff yesterday.  Pffft.

What are you into this weekend?

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  1. What can I say? Your post yesterday inspired me to get my wrapping done and I am glad it is. Still have some things to buy though so there will be another round later on. Happy Friday everybody!

  2. It's a rainy, dreary day. Went to a meeting this morning, then did the grocery shopping. Now I'm gearing up to clean both bathrooms as that was my goal for the day. If I get anything else done, then that's a bonus. lol I've already pulled my car into the garage, so that tells you I'm done with humans for the day. Took the dogs for a drive earlier so I'm tappin' out for the day. =o)


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