Friday, November 10, 2017

What I'm Reading This Week #45

Happy Friday all!  Finally! 

It's been a long week so let's bungee jump into...

15 ways to get 10,000 steps a day without exercising more  (Sounds good to me!)

The 7 Foam-Rolling Exercises Your Lower Body Needs  (This is my exact nightly rolling routine to the tee.)

10 Health Mistakes Women Make  (All good reminders!)

8 Ways to Make the Most of Daylight Hours  (Anyone having problems adjusting?)

7 Surprising Foods to Combat Colds  (There are a couple of surprises but the ginger I peeled and used with every cup of tea.  Hmm, that sounds good.  *runs to kitchen*)

5 Ways to Train Your Brain to Be Optimistic  (Not ways I would've necessarily thought of)

10 Foods That Can Lower Your Cholesterol  (A couple of surprises in there)

A to Z Guide to Home Remedies Proven to Work  (From Arthritis to Zits!)

This Festive Midwestern Farmhouse Is Packed with Cute Christmas Decorating Ideas  (Oh. My. God.  This place is my spirit home!)

32 DIY Christmas Gifts for an Extra-Special Holiday  (Some cute stuff for you crafters!)

Here's Every Single Christmas Movie That Will Air on TV This Year  (*we regret to inform you the blog author has exploded red and green confetti*)

We're doing a little tomfoolery today mixed in with some work later.  Since this is the first weekend we can both taste I'm sure a good meal out tomorrow is in order.  I WILL start wrapping Christmas gifts, dammit!  I can't keep putting it off.  The tree goes up soon and I like to put presents under it when it goes up.

Anything on the schedule (UK pronunciation -"shedj-yule" which sounds way classier) this weekend?

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  1. Nothing formal on my shedj-yule but I think you have plans for us. I was going to test drive at least one vehicle on my list if time warrants, but we'll see.

  2. I'm making pork chops tonight (have no desire for them but don't want to have to freeze the meat) and need to get a list done for grocery shopping tomorrow morning while the hubs is at work. Then it's laundry and Christmas shopping and that's all I have planned. If I managed to clean something other than clothes and dishes, that'll be a bonus, but I'm not allowing it to be my focus this weekend. It's going to be cold and icky out, so I'll be bah-hum-buggin' it. That's a verb, right? LOL


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