Monday, November 20, 2017

Weekend roundup

Happy Monday all!  Anyone else freaking out that Thanksgiving is Thursday?

Dang, it was a weekend!  I finally got some work stuff situated Friday night and I wanted to celebrate by getting the hell outta the house Saturday.  My ankle felt like it was healing up a bit and I still had some stuff I needed to get.  We went to this one restaurant that we'll frequent on occasion but you ever go in somewhere and the vibe is off and you know if you stay it's going to be a mistake?  Neither of us was really in the mood for it, the server wasn't coming and we were surrounded by 3 parties with parents not parenting so I stood up and said: "I'm out."  We went next door to a chicken place that always leaves my guts torn up but I know the Mr likes it so we waited in line and I told him I was going to get KFC because I'd been craving it out of nowhere so he got his meal, then we got mine and came home to eat.  Then it was off to several different stores including the final Home Goods in our town and they finally had the mini pie plates I'd been looking for.  Of course, I had to pick up some wrapping paper too and I'm sure a ton of other crap I don't need.  My ankle was starting to hurt but I'd say at about half the pain as the previous two weeks.  We came back home to get in some ball then I had one other store I wanted to go to and we ended up going to four other stores including the grocery.  Yeah, that did me in.  I was crippled by the end of the night.  Grrr.

Sunday morning the Mr was kind enough to massage my legs so I could stand.  We got a late start.  The Mr threw in the laundry and put up Christmas lights while I made brunch.

I was in the mood for apple pie pancakes and I thought the Mr deserved something yummy for all of the trouble he was going to re-hanging the gutter lights.  (We bought new LED C7's that we couldn't resist.)

Then he took in his VR for a price adjustment (it's $50 back through the Microsoft Store if anyone bought one there) and I started cleaning the house.  I made a decent dent though not nearly as much as I wanted to get done.  Twas not a fun chore with the bottom of my foot shooting pain into the front of my ankle from time to time.  I can't wait until my butt starts working correctly and takes over the load like it's supposed to.  Physical therapy for life, yo!

We did a strength session and I made pork chops and sweet potato gnocchi for dinner.  Then I had to put away my mountain of clothes and sit to chat with y'all before settling in for our hot chocolate for the evening.  It was COLD out!

Oh, I've got a reader with a sick furbaby...if you feel so inclined to send out good vibes, it'd be appreciated!

What did you get into this weekend?

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  1. Happy Monday! Prayers for the sick furbaby! Prayers for speedy healing for you! We hibernated most of the weekend. Cold and sleet. We did go play yahtzee with friends for awhile. Quiet restful weekend.
    Have a great week!

  2. Definitely praying for the sweet furbaby. Lots of love to the mama too.

    Its a long weekend for me. Unfortunately it started by finding a memory care facility for dad. Big sigh. He will be moved in the end of this week. The drive out there to visit the facility on Friday required some retail therapy the following day. My daughter and I had a great time shopping and enjoying each other. Sunday was church and a nice walk with the hubby. Today Im off to have a procedure on my neck, working from home tomorrow, half day Wednesday, this week looks pretty good. If I can get through this Friday and moving dad we should be doing well.

    So sorry your foot keeps flaring up. It does sound like you had a full and fun weekend though. That’s always good. Here’s to the short work week. Horrah

    1. So sorry to hear about your dad. I know that has to be tough but take comfort in knowing he'll be looked after. There are also little webcams if you want to set one up so the family can check in remotely. I hope your neck is okay. Get well soon!!

  3. Another weekend of shopping but at least we got everything we need for the xmas season and can start to just enjoy it all now. Also glad we got the lights, it looks great!

  4. Thanks so much for all the furbaby love! It means more than I can say! Well now, this answers my question on if you're ready for Thanksgiving. LOL You had a busy weekend, but it sounds like you did get a lot done and tackled all kinds of things, so that has to feel pretty good (not physically good though with your ankle flaring up badly). Your apple pancakes look SO good! We're supposed to be around 50 degrees today but with high winds, so with any luck you'll get a some of that your way by tomorrow or Wednesday. The sun is out which feels really good for a change.


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