Thursday, November 2, 2017

Thursday Ramblings

So remember when I said it was okay to play hooky?  Well, that was yesterday.  (I won't tell you the truth which was the night got away from me getting some stuff done and then watching Hallmark Christmas movies.)

I came downstairs and when I flipped on the tube, the Mr left it on the Sounds of the Season channel for me:

Yep, like it or not, when the Sounds of the Season channel declares it the holiday season...this house goes with it.  I was more than happy to dance around in my PJ's to that classic.

I'll be honest, not much to report since we've both been down for the count with colds.  Oh I know!

My car battery died and it's not even 6 months old.  We've had a cold snap so we weren't surprised it didn't start but then it didn't start an hour after being driven 8 miles so yeah.  We also discovered my car jump starter is a huge POS and couldn't jump a bean so into the trash it goes and we've got another one on order.  The Mr took it to the place we bought the battery and they replaced it.  He also noticed last week that my car had been scratched pretty extensively on the bottom of my drivers side door.  No friggin' clue how that happened especially since it stays put for 80% of the time.  He bought a polish and repair kit after the car parts dude looked at it.  He'll probably have to bring it into the garage and contort himself because it supposed to rain for the foreseeable future.  Maybe I'll just trade the car in for an Ark.

I did my first Turbo Fire in about 3 weeks.  It felt good to do and I kept it on the low impact version.  I've been diligent with my PT, rolling and stretching almost daily.  The chiro told me to make sure I do banded bridges with a 30 degree split when I come up to fire the medius.  So between those and weighted clam shells, I'm trying to get dat booty back in working order.  In doing so, my hamstrings are getting a little tight as my legs attempt to balance and I had a few light yanks in the heel.  I'm just trying to keep everything rolled and unbunged so it all gels evenly.  Good God man!

Last night was the first dinner I could kinda sorta taste so I made chicken quesadillas and Brussels.

I put some of those smoked ghost pepper flakes on mine and it helped the sinuses a bit.

It's about time for me to start wrapping Christmas presents.  Several people have started asking for our wish lists so I know I'm not the only one.  I always feel like I can breathe a little better once I have my gifts wrapped and Christmas cards addressed.

Anyone started their Christmas/holiday shopping yet?

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  1. I need to start wrapping mine too. I guess I feel the same way just getting most of that done early. You've trained me well.

  2. Hahaha I thought the calling in post was a prep for no post. I was chuckling as I told my Mom about it last night. She is still battling her cold with a zpack. No Christmas shopping yet. I only buy for my sons, Mom and 2 minor nieces. I did send off my youngests bday box to Washington state. Filled the remaining empty space with the leftover Halloween candy. So fun!
    Hope you feel better.
    Have a great day!

  3. No Christmas shopping done yet. I need to do it earlier this year, but I say that every year and it hasn't happened yet.

  4. I have some of my shopping done and the rest will be worked on over the weekend. I have my lists all written so I know what to buy, so Sunday will be my time to sit at the computer in the afternoon after cutting the lawn (for probably the last time this year...yikes!)

    I hope you guys start feeling better soon and can have more energy by the weekend. Oh crap, the weekend is here tomorrow isn't it? Good grief, man, WHERE did the week go?!?!?


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