Monday, November 13, 2017

Hobbly McHobbleson Does the Weekend

Happy Monday!

It was a cold but sunny weekend.  We went out to lunch Saturday then did some shopping.  I started the day with a slight limp but after hitting up World Market, Home Goods, Michaels, and Hallmark, I ended up practically needing crutches.  I could feel my foot shuffling to protect itself and I had to force a heel strike so that I don't need to retrain my gait on top of everything.  In doing so, it just made everything worse so I had a nice heinous throb all night long.  We stayed in and watched some ball then the Mr wanted Italian so we went to a little local joint.  It was good but it's one of those places that is so squished together it's almost like community tables over having your own.  The people beside you are in your lap and can hear everything you say.  We both agreed we probably wouldn't go back for that reason alone. 

All night I was pretty much stockpiling in the bladder because I could feel that standing wasn't going to happen and crawling to the bathroom didn't sound fun either.  About 8am, I finally hopped on one leg to the bathroom and tried everything to dig out the fascia and shins until the Mr got up.  He was nice enough to dig into my calves so I could attempt to walk.  We had grocery shopping to do and after 3 hours, my legs were waving the white flag again.  Sigh.  We went straight down and did our workout, the Mr cut my produce for the week and we had grilled cheese and soup for dinner.

Oh yeah, we did binge watch Ozark on Netflix.  We think Netflix is a waste to have a monthly subscription so twice a year, we get a month or two on a gift card and watch the shows we like.  Grace and Frankie for me, Stranger Things for him (nope, I don't like all) and we both wanted to see Ozark.  We love Jason Bateman and it was a good show, if not a little draggy in parts but he makes it worth waiting out.  We really liked it but it was a show over the summer so you've probably seen it or had the opportunity to. 

No surprise that I did not get Christmas gifts wrapped.  Sigh. 

I've got a buttload of work to get done this week.  Let the good times roll.

What did y'all do this weekend?

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  1. Good Morning!
    I finally sanded and painted my hallway ceiling that as speckled in March! Had leftover paint on the roller so i used it on the workshop wall. It looked so good i got motivated and painted 1 whole side of the room! I reorganized and decluttrred. Looks great! Took my Mom to bingo yesterday then had a nice dinner. Have a great week!

  2. That show is one of those that makes you look at everyone around you and wonder what they're hiding.

    It was a decent weekend and I am just realizing how November is nearly half over already so we need to buckle down and enjoy the season as it already seems to be getting away from us before it has even really started.

  3. I haven't seen Ozark, maybe I'll have a look. I really like Stranger Things, and I've only had time for the first 5 episoded of season 2 so I'm working really really hard to avoid spoilers and have had only limited success. That's the probem with Netflix shows - people that have time to binge them ruin it for those of us that don't.

    I had a decently productive weekend, but the one "big" chore that I needed to get done didn't get done.

  4. I'm so sorry your foot is giving you such fits. I have an issue with my left ankle that has just about zero flexibility in it so that was throbbing by the end of my errands too. What is it with the feet these days! I went to one store yesterday then hunkered down the rest of the day as I watched snow come down. I was hit with a nasty ice rain in the morning with the dogs, but that abated, thank God. Today I had a ton of errands to run and I'm plain pooped. Got some Christmas shopping taken care of, but I, too, need to get to wrapping. I mentioned to my therapist this morning that next week is Thanksgiving and she about fainted. She didn't realize it was here already. So she was in a goodly panic -- snort!


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