
Friday, October 9, 2015

Score one for the doc and what I'm reading this week

Finally!  The Friday Gods doth shine down upon us!  

Which is why you must stop what you're doing and make that tootsee roll.

I went the chiro and got my legs lasered and had him work out some knots.  He said he was happy with the healing this week because that knot from last week was so bad he thought he'd have take a scalpel to it to get it out.  Score a joke for Dr. B!  My goal in life is to break him and make him uncharacteristically laugh at some absurd thing I say but this time he got one in before I did.  Yay!  

But enough about my knotty legs, let's get to...

5 Important Life Lessons I've Learned From Vintage Cookbooks  (Interesting way of looking at things)

The 35 Most Quintessential Fall Activities  (In case you need a list to get you started)

Meatless Eaters, This Plant-Based Cheeseburger Will Sound Too Good to Be True  (Dude, I'm so on this)

This 80-Year-Old Man Built An Epic Train To Take Rescue Dogs on Adventures  (Soooo cute!)

Judd Nelson Is Still Pissed at the Guy Who Coined the Term 'Brat Pack'  (Kind of sad to see the direction many of their careers took after the phrase)

The Elderly Woman In This Photo Is a Reminder to Us All to Put Down Our Phones  (Love this woman!  Stop living life through a screen!)

How Bad Is It to Just Foam Roll When You're Sore?  (I love/hate foam rolling)

Trader Joe's Pumpkin Spice Foods, Ranked From Worst to Best  (I agree with most of these.  Still have a few to try)

6 Things Your Spouse Knows About Your Health Before You Do  (This is supposing your spouse pays attention to these things but valid points)

American Airlines Just Secretly Added Free Live Baggage Tracking   (YES!!!!!)

Norman Rockwell and Faith  (Love Norman.  This was an interesting insight from his granddaughter)

Rick Moranis Reveals Why He Turned Down 'Ghostbusters' Reboot  (Good catch up article)

35 Healthy Snacks to Celebrate Fall  (Ceeeeelebrate fall time, come on!)

Orphaned Raccoon Rescued By Family With Dogs Thinks She’s A Dog, Too  (Sitting on the couch and the cupboard...I almost wee'd laughing)

This weekend we're celebrating the Mr's birthday.  So it's football, his favorite homemade yellow cake with chocolate frosting and whatever else he wants to get into.

What are YOU getting into this weekend?

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  1. Happy Birthday to the Mr!
    Heading to Iowa for a weddin, taking my Mom. Will be interesting, don't know the bride or groom, just the mob but my bestie will be there, friend of the bride.

  2. Friday! Woot! I almost forgot my birthday was coming I've been in such a whirlwind of stress from work. There is a light at the end of the tunnel! Thank you!

  3. Happy birthday to your Mr - and happy weekend to you both. I'm not sure what I'll be doing, but I'm sure I'll find something.

  4. Happiest of birthday wishes to the Mr! It's Thanksgiving weekend here in Canada, so I have my parents and my daughter coming for dinner on Sunday. Turkey, turkey and more turkey! And my Mom's bread pudding! Happy Friday!

  5. So glad to hear your legs are feeling better and you like your doc! Sounds like he has a sly sense of humor! LOL

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