
Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Scary burger, late dinner and DVR catch up

Happy Tuesday everyone!

Oh, I forgot to tell you yesterday that the Mr tried that Halloween Whopper from Burger King over the weekend.  We saw it a few years ago when they debuted it in Japan I think and the bun was made with squid ink.  Supposedly they won't reveal what it's made with here in America but I'm thinking still squid ink and they just don't want to admit it because they think Americans can't take it.  They're trying to say there's A1 steaksauce baked into the bun and perhaps that is what gives the bun the color.  Mmm hmm.

I'll let you decide if what we got looks remotely like what they advertise.  I took one bite of bun and burger only.  Not a hint of A1 flavor.  The Mr tasted some A1 flavor...when he hit the puddle of A1 on the bottom.  It tasted like a regular BK burger, nothing different about it really.  There, we can say we tried it.  Oh yeah and if you've been reading the rumors about it, the Mr can confirm it's true.  Two days of toilet fun followed.

We went down to workout and I made the mistake of waiting until we went down to ask the Mr how his day was.  Forty five minutes later, we got started with our strength workout.  I like hearing about his day but I need to ask after decompress and before workout time.

Then because I wasn't smart and forgot my carrots needed peeled for dinner, we ate pretty late, but it was still good.

BBQ country style pork ribs and roasted carrots.

Then we hunkered in for The Voice.  I've been bad about watching.  I think we watched the first two and now last night was the last picks for full teams.  Then it was time to catch up on the DVR and off to bed.

Tried any hyped up food items lately?  Did they live up to the hype or fall flat?

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  1. I do not recommend the Halloween whopper. Mostly because the real scare is what happens a day or so later. I won't go into detail.

    1. That was 2 pure days of suffering on your part afterward and had nothing to do with the color either. Glad I only had a bite! HA!

  2. I haven't tried anything hyped up like that for a while. I do usually pick up a box of Boo Berry Crunch at Halloween time, but it's not the same. The last promotional item I tried at a restaurant... probably the Diablo sauce from Taco Bell, which I wish they had kept.

    1. We keep meaning to get a box but wonder what it tastes like. I'm assuming like Lucky Charms?

    2. More or less. The cereal is a little more fruity than the oat bits, but pretty much.

  3. I've heard that eating the burger causes your poo to change color - to green!! The carrots look absolutely fabulous!

    1. It does indeed and a few other unpleasant side effects!

      Thanks! They were delicious and purty!

  4. I don't understand why everyone is so surprised the food coloring in the whopper bun is effecting their poo! I guess not everyone has had to calm their daughter down after she discovered her poop turned bright blue after eating black frosting.

    The mister should have had a side of glitter pills with his Whopper...he could have created a masterpiece!!

    1. I don't know either. Happens any time I eat a weird colored cupcake or something. I think it's just more of a surprise when you see tie dye poo. Unfortunately two days of uh..."the cha cha's" left the Mr dehydrated as well as colorful. I'll have to run the glitter pills by him to see if he's game.

  5. I just saw an ad for this last night! The black bun completely freaks me out and I told my mom about it today. Not something I want to try -- just looks scary with the white sesame seeds on it. It does look "scary" for Halloween I'll give them that! LOL I do admit to really liking The McRib though. I know--most people are disgusted by it. It's not the meat that I like as much as it's their bbq sauce -love that, sad to say. And I'm a freak for pickles and onions so really if I just had bun, sauce, pickles and onions I'd be just as happy. LOL But it is one of my guilty pleasures when it comes into season.


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