
Monday, October 26, 2015

Apple slicin', birthday lunchin' and cool weather paddlin'

Happy Monday you sexy peeps!

It was a good weekend.  Saturday we went to a diner we like and got peanut butter chocolate chip pancakes.  We got there later than we hoped, so we loaded up for brunch since we knew it would have to last until dinner.  We went shopping.  I had a few things I needed to pick up and a few things I didn't need but you know, ended up in a bag with my name on it.  We watched some football and were glad to kick up our feet after a long day.  I think I wore the Mr out.  He needed a nap before watching some pigskin action.

Sunday we met my mom for lunch for a belated birthday lunch for the Mr.  We were supposed to meet her before our trip but she got sick and while she was okay with still meeting, we weren't taking a chance a few days before a paid for trip.  We ended up staying there and talking for 2 1/2 hours!  I'm sure the server loved us.  Then we came home and I needed to tend to my Northern Spies before they got grody on me.

I was a happy girl listening to KCSM jazz while peeling, coring and cutting my apples.  I seasoned them with pumpkin pie spice and froze them then vacuum froze them for Thanksgiving pies.  It works out great and has most of the work done for me apple wise except for the vanilla sugar to toss them in before baking.  I have to make two this year because people fought over my apple crumb biscoff pie last year.  I even asked mom if she'd mind if I took a stab at the sweet potatoes this year.  Usually she dumps the Bruce's yams out of the can, adds a buttload of sugar and it gives me a cavity.  I'm going to roast them, toss them in real maple syrup and billionaire's bacon.  Mostly nice with a little naughty.  She said I could but with that kind of undertone when she said "I've never had them like that."  Hopefully she'll love them.  I'm sure I'll know pretty quickly.  HA!

We went paddling when I was done and even though it was 60 degrees with a head wind, we enjoyed having the water mostly to ourselves...well except for a few friends.

We took in the fall colors as I know they'll be gone far too soon.  Probably next weekend.

I stabbed my foot on a sharp rock getting out of the yak and didn't feel the brunt of it until I got home.  I iced it a bit but it hurt to even sit it on the ice pack.  Hopefully it'll feel better today.

What did you guys do this weekend?

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  1. The weekend went by pretty fast as usual but I do feel like we made the most of it, especially yesterday. Gotta get those paddling sessions in while we still can! Looking forward to Apple pies and all the goodies you'll make with those apples. Thanksgiving is just around the corner too, hard to believe!

  2. Saturday I took the boy to the pumpkin patch to pick his own pumpkin, then went through the corn maze. Then Sunday night I took him to see the Goosebumps movie which we both thoroughly enjoyed.

    Your apples remind me that I need to get some apples and make a batch of applesauce and apple butter.

  3. Saturday was a fun filled family Halloween party. Sunday we ventured off to a local farm to let the kids wear themselves out. We did a corn maze that was supposed to take less than an hour. At the 3 hour mark we tapped out and cut through the rows to get outta there! Your apples reminded me that I have a bunch I need to do something with.

  4. Sounds like a wonderful weekend for you! Vanilla sugar, you say? I need details on that little tidbit. I had a very low-key weekend for which I'm very grateful. Washed dishes and went grocery shopping and that was it, aside from a trip to Farm and Fleet for some bird seed for a friend of mine. I read a book and watched football and some ghost shows and didn't think about too much at all. I needed it after last week and to gear up for this week. It was nice to just veg and not think about the "to-do's". Today is a gorgeous 65 degree day and that makes me happy. The temps are going to go down after today, so I'm enjoying the windows being open and the sun shining in. Really feels like the loveliest of fall days.

  5. Sounds like a perfectly lovely weekend!! :-)


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