Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Yeah, I know...I'm slacking


I know.

I've slacked...big time.

I guess I feel like I have to do these big homemade deals from scratch even though that isn't always the way I cook and that you guys wouldn't be interested in my faster "cheats" that I do most weeknights.  Semi-homemade if you will.  (Fish tacos, bbq naan pizza, mini pizzas)  But then I think "holy Hell man, YOU get overwhelmed looking at all the steps in some bloggers recipes!  What makes you think people don't want an easier "go to" some nights?"

So I'll let you decide what you want to see...

Mostly from scratch, semi homemade or a mix of the two?

(I know what my vote is but I'm curious what you guys want to see!)

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  1. I think you can mix it up and do both types. You have some that are easy to make and have become staples of our diet and those should definitely be shared so that others can benefit. But then you have some that, given the time, are simply amazing and deserve to be shared as well. So my vote is for both.

  2. I don't do scratch, so the semi homemade works for me

  3. I agree with the Mr. I like reading recipes from scratch and imagining myself making them, but usually that only happens on some weekends when I have the time. Semi homemade is more accessible/realistic for me :) But, on your end whatever is easier is fine by me! Thanks for sharing with us all!!

  4. As much as I enjoy your "scratch" recipes, I don't usually have the time to try them. The ones that I have tried have never disappointed, but time is of the essence most nights. Semi-homemade (or super fast, super simple scratch) recipes) are what I'm most like to try. The one recipe of your that has become one of my regulars (instead of a once in a while) is bbq naan pizza and you know how easy that one is.

    That said - you share what you want to share and we'll all live vicariously through you.

  5. Your simpler, faster is more beneficial for me! I only cook 1 longer meal a week, and even then it is usually reserved for foods we already love & never have time to prepare. However, if you just feel uber moved to share a more involved recipe... I'm sure we can make time to fit it in. Just don't scrounge to have one just for the sake of having one if you know what I mean. :) Love your blog... I rarely post, but I read the emails of your posts religiously!

  6. mixed wud be I do tend to do scratch on some days and semi on crazy weekdays..

  7. Haha, you totally have been slacking, but I'm glad recipes are coming back! I think a mix of the two would be absolutely wonderful because I know I sure don't have time to make fancy healthy stuff every night. Healthy, quick cheats would be great!!

  8. I like a mix of the two. I sometimes have difficulty with some of your semi-homemade, just due to my location and the ingredient list, but I see the value in quick and easy healthy recipes too. I don't have a TJ's anywhere remotely near by, so substitution with some of your recipes can be a challenge or I end up making that ingredient from stcratch anyway.

  9. I would appreciate a mix of the two. I've loved a few of the other recipes you've posted, and sometimes I just don't have time or energy to go through the whole hoop-lah. If there was something in your catologue of yumminess that was a shortcut but equally as tasty - i would definately love to read and re-create :)

  10. I'm all for simple recipes with quick cheats to save time on week night dinners. Recipes with long lists of ingredients, sometimes with things I have no clue what they even are, intimidate me and I'll never make it. Weekends are the only time I'll throw something together from scratch. I say lets be realists! Trader Joe's is a life saver especially when it comes to this.

  11. Semi homemade is fine with me! Life is busy!!!

  12. I say give us a bit of everything. :) I prefer things that can be done pretty easily. I get in moods where I love to spend a lot of time on a meal, but most nights I just want to get dinner done and cleaned up so I can relax.

  13. A mix, please! We all need shortcuts--even those of us who do most from scratch.

  14. Some of my really popular recipes are the semi-homemade ones--buying polenta, cutting it into fries, and baking it, grilling naan and topping it with caprese, etc. People like to look at the OTT homemade stuff, but when it comes to actually MAKING a recipe? It's the easy ones that they really like.

  15. I work full time and I am going to school full time, so I love your quick recipes. I generally don't have time to make "from scratch" food, so I am always looking for meals that are healthy and quick. Keep 'em coming - your food pics are always mouth-watering! :)

  16. I rarely have time to really cook during the week and can only bust out the "big guns" on the weekends...which is only 2 out of 7! So hellzz to the yeah - let me see a mix of the two girlfriend!!!


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