Thursday, September 12, 2013

It's a mixed bag people

I must've stared at this screen for like 2.37 hours before deciding that this post was just going to be a big ol' mixed bag.

Let's dig in, shall we?

Great googly moogly am I sore!

We did our Total Trainer/Free Weight lower body hybrid last night because I felt like I needed to start building more strength in my legs and they responded pretty immediately.  Within two hours we were both gruntin' and groanin' like elderly people getting up after a day long Matlock marathon.

The weather is supposed to turn cooler over the next week and I am READY!  I know we didn't have a grotesque summer like we did last year in triple digits but it's been in the 90's the past few days and for a girl that doesn't do above 83, that about did me in.  I'm ready for sweatshirts, fuzzy socks, crisp air and pumpkin everything.  I'm planning my first batch of chili for this weekend.  

Random thought of the day:  1997 called, they want their animated gifs back.  Seriously, WHAT IS UP with the new (old) obsession with animated gifs???  It's like humans who were pooing in their diapers finally became of age and discovered something those of us over 30 have already lived through and they are, on cue, running it into the ground.  Back in the day, the quickest way to spot an outdated website, forum or in the past 5 years, person was if they still used animated gifs on their website and/or in their signatures in forums.  Say kids, care to go back to dial up days for fun as well?  I'm sure the Mr has hung on to a modem somewhere so you can learn the importance of anticipation.  As you were.

Is my Sirius/XM/whatever the hell it's called "free preview" almost done in my car yet?  I HATE it.  1)  I hate the idea of paying for radio when it's free and we have like 25 stations in our area.  2)  I flip stations just as much as I do with free radio.  3)  It doesn't work in parking garages, under bridges and on particularly cloudy days.  Siriusly?  People pay for this crap?  (No offense to anyone who does, it's just not where I'd choose to put my money because I'm cheap.)

Is it really obvious that Aunt Flo pulled up in the driveway today because I bet if I looked back on posts around this time of the month in months past I would be just as snarky.  My apologies.  It'll about 3 days or so.

Your turn...share something completely random.

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  1. That workout is a killer. It always kicks my butt. My legs hurt big time this morning but I know they will hurt even more tomorrow.

    I too am looking forward to some cooler temps. Fall is my favorite time of year and I hope this one is a good one!

    On the animated gifs, it is pretty funny that they are so popular again. They are more sophisticated in many ways than they used to be but they're still animated gifs.

    As for XM radio. It sounds so tinny and crappy that I cannot imagine paying for it. I would rather the car manufacturers spend money on something more useful like throwing in a backup camera or something instead.

    1. Yes it is. My legs were KILLING me this morning but the little yoga session and a tennis ball massage helped. I'm hoping for a good Fall too and not the kind where the leaves change and then a gust of wind blow them all off the tree. I just can't get into the animated gif thing no matter how sophisticated. Been there, done that to recycle another phrase/fad.

      Real radio and playlists are perfectly fine. XM does sound like crap. I'd much rather have other options as well.

  2. I am one of those that actually pays for XM radio, and I love it. Where I live there aren't a lot of choices on the radio so it's been great. There is a channel called "Hair Nation" that I listen to a lot and there are some comedy channels that I also enjoy when I'm in the mood. Plus news channels that I can't get from free radio. If I lived in a city I wouldn't pay for it though because there are more choices and when I go to visit my folks in Denver it doesn't work because there are too many competing radio waves from other stations.

    Something random - the superpower I most truly want is the ability to have an extra hour on days I choose, but only for me and whoever I want to share with. Otherwise people would expect 25 hours a day of "stuff" from me and that extra hour is just for me.

    1. I think if you have crappy radio choices in your area, paying for it makes sense. Where we are we are overwhelmed with stations targeted at our demographic so it's just not practical for us.

      I like that idea!

  3. I avoid blogs with animated gifs. Can't. Stand. Them.

  4. Hehehehe....i avoid animated gifs and Sirius radio PMS or not!! lol...

    good going on the looking forward to winters...I cant stand the heat..!! arghhh

    1. Good to hear it! :)

      Thanks! OMG, someone else likes winter too!? We can't wait to ski/snowshoe! YAY winter!

  5. I spent a good half hour running around trying to find my wallet this morning. It was at work and I was at my house. Sort of the way my week has been going. Fish tacos for luch. (How's that for random?)

    1. Oh man, I would've FREAKED! The week is almost over so hopefully it'll reset for next week! LOL Mmm, fish tacos!

  6. I completely agree about wanting fall to get here NOW! :) I love cold weather. I have noticed a lot of the animated gifs recently. Some of them are pretty funny from time to time, but a lot of them are excessive.

    1. Yay another Fall girl!!

      I came across a funny list of 20 things to do with the 80's I think and every single sentence was punctuated with an animated gif. By the time I got to #9, I was just irritated and clicked off the page. Bleh.

  7. It's all good, I woke up snarky today too. So, to the world, bring it! LOL

  8. I love fall, can't wait and we are getting it already here. Crisp days, rainy. My socks are already out!
    We live in nowhere land so I love my Sirius but I do the cheapest package available because I just love the 60's, 70's, 80's stations the most. Love me some 80's on a road trip! Except for the random one that comes on and dh and I look at each other and say 'what were we thinking?' ;)

    1. Love it!!

      Definitely a good investment where you're at! Gotta get your old school fix!

  9. I am ANXIOUSLY (like nail biting anxiously) awaiting fall/winter. Cannot take this summer any longer. The good news is that mornings are finally turning cooler, even if afternoons are still roasting hot and the miserable humidity we had to suffer most of the summer has finally moved on. Fall and Winter are my absolute faves. Love sweater weather, I plain old have more energy.

    1. Me too! I think they're calling for 60 in the morning or something. I'm going to throw open the door and drink it in! I have more energy too! I thought it was just me!

  10. Let's see...random. Well, I've been in a craptastic mood since I woke up, and for no apparent reason. I took the dogs for a walk at the park, then came home and did my workout for the day. Still in a mood. Made lunch and didn't like it...still cranky. Then I figured I should do like any good 3 year old would do and take a nap. Napped from 2pm to 3:30pm, and feel somewhat better. Oh, and the new Leslie's kicking my buttocks after 4 days. I am so ridiculously sore, but I'm really liking the routines. I will say you will be THRILLED because there is an option for both sections (cardio and firming) where you can play it with the music only! I saw that and immediately thought of you!

    1. Sorry you were in a craptastic mood. I hope it has much improved and you enjoy your last weekend of leisure before starting your new adventure. I'm so excited to try the Leslie video! I'm not surprised they gave her the mute treatment though sadly, I have learned to be somewhat charmed by her positivity. Perhaps it's jealousy? Though some days I'm comfort myself by saying in between takes she yells at someone who messed up and made them cry after she threw a towel at them. I know she doesn't but dang can someone be that perky ALL the time?

  11. I need to get out more. I haven't noticed an abundance of animated gifs.

    One of the trends I'm waiting to pass is the need to abbreviate everything. I *refuse* to describe anything as "totes adorb" or read anyone who does.

    1. Cammy...this is why I love you. If I never hear the words "totes" "adorbs" or my personal unfavorite "whatevs" it will be entirely too soon! Even "deets" and "sitch" get on my nerves. Ugh.


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