Tuesday, September 17, 2013

It is what you make it

It's more than a logo on a shirt from the store(affiliate link) it's a way of life for us.  We're not always perfect but day's like today make me proud.

The Mr has a big work project today.  He got up early to workout on the rower and he could pull a double today because of course these things rarely take the time you think they should.  I made him a big dinner of Lasagna Roll Ups but he'll likely eat it for lunch so he can fill up and then grab his wrap and fruits when he has time throughout the night.  I know today will be really stressful for him but I know he will do his best, like always.

What I'm most proud of is his continuing commitment even though he won't be on a regular schedule today.  He's got healthy food and snacks where others will be ordering out and/or raiding vending machines.  He knocked out his workout so he's still getting it in instead of hoping to squeeze it in whenever he gets home and is beat from the crap of the day.  I know he'll get in his water too because he's much better than I am at that.  I'll do my workout and eat my lasagna roll ups for dinner while I do a few little projects to keep myself occupied.

A "life happens" day is no excuse not to make time for the things that truly matter when you have to do things that matter to others.  Always put your health first even when it's not convenient...that's what mah man is doing and I'm a proud wifey poo.

Do you make time for you when a "life happens" day threatens your workout schedule?

(This post contains a link to my store.  Should you buy through it, the money will go toward keeping this machine hummin')

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  1. I think one of the first times that I had to work late due to a major project and had to come home at like 10 PM and still do a workout was when I realized that I finally "got it" in terms of what it really takes to be committed. I had never had that kind of commitment before and it was actually a proud moment for me. Ever time since has been easier because I no I cannot make any excuse whatsoever. The only thing now is that when I can plan ahead and do the workout early, I take advantage of that and that helps a lot.

    Glad to have my rowing all done this morning and now I can face the day with a more balanced and relaxed perspective, which is a bonus.

    But I couldn't do this without you! The fact that you made up that very special dinner for me is a huge help. It makes it easy to avoid whatever crap everyone else gets for dinner because I know mine is better! Thank you!

    1. I think you get a big benefit from the exercise. You can be more calm going into it and maybe a little more clear headed. I hope it all goes well for you especially with all of the obstacles they've thrown at you the past 2 weeks.

      I wanted to make you something that would be way better than everyone else was getting. I know you'll be eating it for lunch since you'll actually have more time to heat it up and eat it then but hopefully their crappy choices will still sound unappealing when you think of how much better yours was! ;-) Love you nugget!

  2. Yep, I have too. Usually my workouts, are my only ME time, lol! Between working, hubby, and the kids schedules, that 45-60 is all I get to myself. If I don't get it, I'm SO NOT a happy camper...

    1. It's especially important for you mama's to make your "you" time and no better way to spend it than getting in some cardio/weights! The younguns are watching!

  3. For a long time I did really well with this, but then after leaving Curves last fall my exercise fell by the wayside. I've been doing much better the last 2 months or so, and I finally feel like I'm getting back on track with making workouts part of my lifestyle again. Little boy is doing flag football now in the town where I work. There's no sense in coming home at 4 only to go back at 5:30 so we'll be at school from 7:30 until 6:30 then still need supper and a little quality time before he goes to bed. Getting a workout in after that is going to be tough for me, but I am determined to make that happen. I'd be lying though if I said I wasn't already looking forward to the end of the season (first game is tonight).

  4. thats awesome..and yes moments like that keep u motivated...way to go guys!! have a nice day!!

  5. Good for the Mr.! This is my biggest problem - not making my health and fitness a priority. If my schedule gets thrown off, I don't adjust. I just say "eh, I'll fix it tomorrow". Kudos to you both for persevering and being role models!

  6. I really need to get better at this. I will prioritize just about everything over myself! Good for you guys for not letting anything take precedence over your health.

  7. I've been doing really good with my workout routine, even though it's changed in the past week. Last Friday I wasn't able to get in my scheduled cardio first thing in the morning because I had to go to the doctor and walk the dogs at the park before meeting a friend at the apple orchard. Instead of freaking out, I walked the dogs for 20 minutes, did the other things, then came home (after a day of walking) and went right upstairs and did my cardio workout. I was SO proud of myself because I could have blown it off since I "technically" got in some cardio. I'm on Day 8 of the Walk It Off In 30, and I'm stunned at how quickly my body has adapted already. The first four days I didn't think I could walk, but by Day 5, there was a difference. I just increased the weights for some of the arm exercises, so I'm sure I'll be sore tomorrow. But considering I've had to change my workouts to right after work, I'm doing pretty good!

    By the way, I made lasagna roll ups on Friday myself! =o)


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