Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Kick butt workout, less than kick butt series finale and new blog feature

I think I need a walker.  Atletica kicked our butts up one side of the basement and down the other!  I don't know why but the 20 lbs I started out with felt like I was going to buckle so I would use them for round one and then drop down to 15 lbs for the repeat session.  I felt like a slacker having to drop back but I know proper form is way more important and it was suffering with the heavier weight.  I tweaked my shoulder a bit on the 2nd round and had to nix 20 lbs altogether for the shoulder pull backs but upped it again for the circle squats.  I made sure we did yoga stretches when we were done because I need to get in the habit of opening up my hips and legs when we're done to hopefully make my joints a little more limber and less sore the next day.

I won't spoil it for people who haven't watched it yet but Dexter...WTF man?  Here's how *I* would've done this season.

The season opens with Deb feeling guilty for what she did at the end of last season.  Because Dexter has always taken care of her, she takes it upon herself to try to "fix" him and take care of him.  Almost like a serial killer AA, if you will.  Mid season, he's been trying and then they notice something...Harrison is showing disturbing signs of picking up Dexter's tendencies like maybe in action figure play that is beyond your "typical boy" stuff.  They both are scared for him and Dexter, feeling his urges are at a peak and uncontrollable (maybe, he goes on a killing spree that scares him because he didn't follow the code), he convinces Deb to put him on the table and raise Harrison.  She relents, is horrified and such but eventually sees this is the only way.  Dexter sets up a kill room in a shipping container because he wants to die in blood as he was born into blood.  When Deb arrives, she sees pics of all of his victims over the years from the neighbors dog to Little Chino to even Harry since he blames himself for his suicide.  On another wall, all the people he's come to love as he's evolved into a more human version of himself including his co-workers, stepkids, Rita, Hannah, Deb and Harrison.  He instructs her what to do with his body and how to raise Harrison into a good man.  She sobs, begging him to just stop and he says he can't and she needs to put him down because he feels like a rabid dog.  He tells her what kind of man he wants Harrison to be and she says something back to him dropping an F bomb and he says "you have to stop cursing like a sailor, Deb.  I don't want Harrison to be a serial killer but I also don't want him in detention his whole school career for your influential mouth!"  They laugh, she hugs him and says she can't do it.  He reminds her of all of the people he's killed and how it's progressed because he has now killed innocents and can't go back and it's only a matter of time before he's caught and behind bars.  Sobbing over him, she says "I love you Dex" and he says he loves her too and she plunges the knife in...fade to black.  But, you know, they didn't ask me!  HA!

It's premiere week!  My DVR is going to break by week's end!  Last night was The Voice and I think we recorded HIMYM (even though we're not regular watchers but wanted to see how they intro'd the supposed mother.  We think she's a plant.)  We also recorded Sleepy Hollow.  WOW, talk about a great show!  I would much rather see scripted TV than "reality TV" so I'm glad to see some good shows in that genre making a comeback.  I'm SOOOO excited for American Horror Story!!  Kathy Bates anyone?  Yes please!

I don't know if y'all noticed a new feature when you comment but if you click "notify me", it will notify you if I respond to your comment.  So if you want an email if I respond, clickity click when you leave your comment!

What premieres are you excited for?  Were you happy with the Dexter finale if you watched?  (If you're going to reference spoilers, please say so in your comment so others who haven't watched it don't read.  Thanks!)

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  1. Yeah that is a seriously tough workout, no matter how many times we do it. It's pretty much crossfit so anyone interested in that should definitely check out Atletica.

    As for Dexter. ****SPOILER AHEAD**** I cannot believe they literally went there with the whole lumberjack thing. I mean. Wow. I really like your version better so I'm going to pretend that is what happened.

    I am looking forward to seeing how "How I Met Your Mother" plays out. If for no other reason than to see if my own hunch is correct.

    1. Yes, it's a very tough workout! I felt so weak doing it for some reason. I don't understand how I can do a free weight workout with 20's and be okay but do that one and burn out. I think when MCH said in that interview on CBS that they couldn't worry about satisfying the fans it was like "mission accomplished." When people are calling it the worst finale since Seinfeld, you know you screwed the pooch.

      I have a feeling your hunch is correct on HIMYM, which would also feel somewhat lame but the way it's supposed to be.

  2. Oooo I had to squint through the Dexter part because I haven't seen it yet! So here's hoping it'll be good. :)

    Glad to see you're doing well!

    1. Hey girl! Good to see you! Yes, squint! Matter of fact, skip the whole season, the way it ended last year was the better way to end the series. Hope you're doing well!

  3. I gave up on Dexter at about season 3.

    Kathy Bates in season 3 of American Horror Story? HELL yes! (I need to see AHS:Asylum, I'm always behind because I don't have cable).

    I'm still "meh" on Sleepy Hollow. I like the supernatural stuff (the demons are creepy) but the main characters aren't interesting enough. . .yet. I think the sister is going to pull me in (I was sad they killed off the sheriff in the first episode, I was yelling, "Don't kill Brother Justin!"--I loved Carnivale).

    Last night I gave Blacklist a try. It was ok. I don't think it will last, though. I'll have to give Hostages a try too (but those two shows are opposite each other and Blacklist caught my attention first last night).

    1. Oh man, you gave up just before the EPIC season 4!! Do yourself a favor and rent it. You will NOT be sorry. John Lithgow is amazing! I didn't get to watch Sleepy Hollow last night because we were watching The Voice live but we were really happy with the first episode and I totally loved Ichabod. James Spader stopped being interesting to me after Sex, Lies and Videotape so I didn't bother with Blacklist though the premise could be interesting. Still have to watch Hostages to see if it stays on the DVR. So many new shows!

  4. I've seen season one of Dexter but that's it. I don't get any premium channels, but I caught a marathon when I had a free preview of Showtime. I probably never will see the whole thing because dvds are expensive, but if it comes to Netflix ever I will absolutely be watching.

    I missed the first episode of Sleepy Hollow (will have to watch online) but picked up the second on my dvr last night. I also caught Bones, Castle & Blacklist last night. I'm pretty sure my dvr is going to have a meltdown this week too, especially since I'll be adding more shows as the week goes on.

    1. Rent season 4. You don't need to see any other seasons but that one. They couldn't live up to that season so they put it straight in the toilet from that point on but arguably one of the best seasons of any show ever. You will never look at John Lithgow the same again.

      I think we have 2-3 shows per night recording this week and not enough time to watch them! LOL

  5. I agree with you, you're better off to lower weight and have the right form.

    Haven't seen Dexter yet! I'm 3 episodes behind and part of me just doesn't want to watch it, because then it won't be over! So sad. :(

    I LOVE Sleepy Hollow! I recorded the Pilot just to see and turns out both Hubs and I really liked it! It kinds of reminds me of Supernatural a bit. We're also HIMYM fans AND I totes watched the Voice last night. Only singing show I like.

    PS, You've got great taste in TV! My PVR is also going to blow up with all of the shows I'm recording. YAY FALL! :)

    1. Do yourself a favor and don't watch the rest. Any ending is better than the one they gave us. *shaking head* They took an amazing show and punted it into comparisons of "the worst ending since Seinfeld."

      Looking forward to watching Sleepy Hollow tonight. I thought Ichabod was really charming (and hot!) I about poo'd when I saw Adam lift that lady! It's the only singing/talent show I like as well.

      Thanks, sounds like you do too! :-) I'm so glad new TV is back on!

  6. I was really disappointed in how Dexter ended, too. I can think of many ways that show could have ended, and the lame ending they gave was not what I expected or hoped for. Oh well. At least Jeff Lindsey is still writing his "Darkly Dreaming Dexter" series, so I can read those to get my Dexter fix. :)

    1. My friend said the books were really good. Might have to give them a go once the bad taste has left my mouth. He deserved a better send off than plaid and wood.

  7. I love your Dexter ending - much more fitting than the one they broadcast!

    I totally agree about Season 4 - it was the best and things just went downhill from there. The last one was definitely the worst. It was so disappointing.

    I watched Blacklist last night and was pleasantly surprised. I am with you on James Spader. I was supposed to go to bed at 10 but I was still on the computer and wound up staying up to see where they went with it. I will watch next week too.

    I adore Kathy Bates but I haven't seen American Horror Story. Is it something I can just pick up or do I need to catch up?

    1. Thanks! I liked my ending better too even if he had to die but in the end it makes the same point of him making the most human decision and sacrificing himself while also putting himself in his victims places without being the lame send off we got. The Mr and I will be disgusted for quite a few weeks on that one. LOL At this point I would've rather it ended with the Trinity Killer. Lithgow killed it...HA!

      If enough people say they like Blacklist, we may have to binge watch the reruns over the summer!

      You can absolutely pick up AHS any season as each season is it's own story in lieu of a continuation. The only thing that's the same is many of the actors have been with the show from season 1 but play different characters in each new "chapter." Interesting concept that I didn't know if it would work but seems to and really lets the actors show their range. I think you'd like it!

  8. I've only seen season 1 of Dexter. I only watch tv if I'm working out, and even though I do workout a lot, it's not enough to keep up on everything. I did figure out how to get most current shows into my gym (using a Roku and PlayOn) but generally I just wait until the season/series hits DVD or Netflix and watch it all back to back with no commercials. I'm usually SO behind that even if I hear a little about a show, I don't remember by the time I watch it :)

    TV is a big motivator for me to exercise though!

  9. I did see that new feature, but didn't know what it was for. This is very cool! Good for you for changing up your weights when you felt you needed to. I'm doing the same thing because I know form is the most important thing to not get injured.

    As for shows, I'm excited about Big Bang Theory, Modern Family, The Middle (love that show) and Neighbors. Oh yeah, and Last Man Standing--cracks me up. I know there's a few more, but I'm drawing a blank at the moment.

    1. I didn't either until I clicked on it. 'Bout time Blogger got on board! Yep, I don't need another injury. Too late for the Mr who tweaked his elbow.

  10. I liked Blacklist. It's like Silence of the Lambs meets a spy movie. I normally don't stay up that late (yes, it was at 9pm, I'm lame) but I was a rebel and stayed up. Glad I did.

  11. So totally would have loved your season more!!! Oh why?!?!?!? Why did they have to go and do it like that???? :-(


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