Friday, September 20, 2013

What I'm Reading This Week

It is Friday y'all!  Can I get a whoop whoop?!  Never mind, don't do that.

It's time to dork off and see...

The Easy Seven Resistance Band Workout

Drew Barrymore's Stuff for Sale for charity  (I love her style!  Most of it is sold but it's fun to snoop!)

Six Habits of the Leanest Americans

Five Women Explain Why They Chose Not to Have Kids  (Great article for people to see us DINKS aren't all He-Man Child Haters.  Well, not the well behaved ones!  And definitely not the punkin's in the next link)

Young Boy Asks Santa to End His Sisters Bullying  (Grant it Santa, his sister deserves it)

94 Creative Ways to Save Money

Armless Body Builder Inspires Fitness World with Her Ability

Dairy Queen Employee that friggin' rocks and gives me hope for the future

Best obituary ever?  (I seriously want an obit this jovial when I buy the farm)

How to Make Your Entire Internet Life More Secure in One Day  

Mark Wahlberg Graduates High School  (Congrats Mark!  Where do I send the card with $20 in it?)

Always a fun one to watch  (video starts on landing)

We're going to a huge antique show this weekend and lots of walking is in my future.  I'm hoping that my feet handle it well since I was so sore last weekend.

How about you?  What's on tap for your weekend?

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  1. Yet again some great links. I hope I have some time today to read them all. Looking forward to the weekend big time!

    1. Um yeah, you're not going to have any time today but there's always time over the weekend...wait, Grand Theft Auto. Hmm. You'll probably be skipping them this time. ;)

  2. I agree about the letter to Santa from a great Big Brother. I hope Santa and Big Time Rush can sync their schedules.

    1. Me too! That broke my heart when I read that. Seriously, why don't people have better things to do?

  3. I had already read a few of these ones ... great minds :)

  4. Don't remember how I found your blog, but I've been reading back over your past posts and I'm impressed with the choices you and your Mr. have made. I know it's not always the easiest choice to make, but you've been consistent with it over time and that's impressive, daunting, and inspiring all at the same time.

    My dude and I, we're about to start on a similar track. I was wondering if you would mind writing about some of the tools you are using, and how you use them. I can tell you are nutrition tracking nut (in the best way!) - what are you using to help yourself? Is it an app? a spreadsheet? a reference tool? Do you track meals, or can you use it to plan with as well? Also, you report your calories burned in a workout - is that part of your Heart Rate Moniter? Or is it a function of your home gym equipment? And if you've covered this earlier, point me to a post, and I'll go back and read some more :)

    And too - SLACKERS UNITE! I'm sure that with $800M in first day sales, the Mr. will not be the only one in the nation glued to the screen this weekend! Other games are still waiting in our XBox Q, otherwise it'd be on at my place too!

    1. So great to see you and thanks for the kind words! We personally use FitDay but it's because we bought it over 10 years ago and built up a huge database. In talking to many people, My Fitness Pal seems to be the most popular and best apps, etc.

      As far as what we use for home DVD's and Heart Rate Monitor and such, on the left sidebar, click SATW Favorites and it'll show you what we use. Don't feel obligated to buy from it if you don't want to but I list everything from that stuff to even food prep stuff I use.

      I hope that gives you a good starting point! Feel free to contact me through here or FB if you have more questions!

  5. All right, help me out here, pal. I believe I am this DINK you speak of, but I'm not sure of the acronym. 'No Kids' I get, but the DI has me at a loss. =o) Enjoy your antique show!! I will be doing a lot of studying for this 4 hour exam I have next Friday for my new job (yeah, didn't see that one coming), and have to go shopping for the hubs as it's his birthday and our 15th anniversary next week (got married on his birthday). I'm looking forward to some nice fall weather (I'm sitting here in a zip up exercise jacket with a big, goofy smile on my face). Have a super duper weekend! Toodles Noodles!

    1. Double Income No Kids. :) There's a cool website called DINKLife where people can do meet ups or talk about stuff related to the chosen lifestyle. Ugh...4 hour exam! Is that their way of weeding people out?!

      Ooh smart move for him getting married on his bday so he'll never forget your anniversary! My grandparents did the same thing on her bday! I've got my sweatshirt all ironed up, jeans ready and ready to pop some tags! :-) Enjoy the weekend sassy pants!


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