Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Left to my own devices

The Mr gave me a call about 8:30pm to let me know part of what they needed wasn't working so it was going to be a minimum of an hour to see if his fix will work and then he had about 15 more steps after that.  I could hear the defeat in his voice.  So I went down and ironed his clothes and made his lunch for today so he wouldn't have to do that when he got home or this morning.  I hate it when he has these projects because they rarely go the way they're supposed to and he's the "go to" man so a lot of the responsibility falls on him whether it's fair or not.  I try to do what I can to help him de-stress.  If only I knew his line of work, I'd pitch in.  That's how it is with us, I have his back and he has mine.  It's so cute because I have some projects I'm working on and when we're antique hunting, he'll point something out and/or say "hey, do you want this?"  He's my "bird dog" as he calls himself.  When I take on a new project, he's right there to support me or tell me how awesome I am.  I know I'm lucky as hell to have a Mr like him so I try to return the favor when he takes on something new.

My night was spent keeping myself occupied.  I went down about 4:15pm to shake my booty for an hour.  I don't know why but when I have to workout by myself, I sometimes default to dancing.  I'd say 725 calories of tomfoolery is a good way to burn some bacon.  I ate my lasagna roll ups on the couch because it just feels weird to eat at the table all alone.  I wrapped my friend's birthday presents so I'm ready to see her this weekend and cleaned up the house a little bit.  Then I got seriously bored and started rummaging through on demand movie channels.  Mistake.  I ended up watching Another 9 1/2 Weeks.  I remember seeing 9 1/2 Weeks with my friend when we were probably way too young to watch it and it felt like "ooh, this is what grown up sexy time movies are like!"  I mean who can forget the food scene?  Man, Mickey Rourke was sexy back then.  Me-ow.  This horrible sequel was probably about one or two plastic surgeries in for him before his face turned to complete hamburger from being a pro boxer.  A lot of the sexy scenes were in shadows and the redhead lead was the most horrible actress ever.  I'm too disinterested to look up her name.  Oh yeah, it was one of those ones with absolutely NO payoff at the end.  I wanted to punch my TV when it was over.

At this point, I still had about 3 hours before bed.  HGTV is always good for sucking me in to their House Hunters and Property Virgins shows for 2 hours.  I blame them for my open house obsessions.  (I've been trying to be good and not drag the Mr to any.  When you walk in and realtors know you by name, there's a problem.)  Clearly I do not do well when left to my own devices.  I guess I do better than I used to though because I might've been tempted to eat out of boredom but I didn't.

If there were a crap ton of typos, please forgive proofreader was indisposed at the time of writing.

What do you do when you're bored at night?

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  1. Well I definitely could have used the pointy ears. I knew something was missing. There is truly nothing worse than driving home in the dark at 1 in the morning knowing you have to pretty much go back at it in less than 7 hours. It is a lonely feeling.

    But... Coming home that late, defeated, and seeing that your amazing wife made you a lunch and ironed clothes for you so that you have 2 fewer things to worry about in the morning is a major ego boost! I am so lucky to have you! I am sorry you had to spend the night alone and we know this means I will have to do this again at some point soon but knowing that you have my back makes it all better. Thank you!

    1. It sucks that you weren't able to check that project off the list. I hate that you're going to have to go in an waste another night and it pushes everything attached to this back by who knows how long. Grrr.

      I'm glad I could help you out by having that stuff ready for you so you didn't have to worry about it. I can't believe you're required to be in there same Bat time, same Bat station. *rolling eyes*

  2. I do crafty stuff until I get too tired to properly concentrate. Or, I binge watch t.v. shows. Right now I'm loving on Nurse Jackie. Netflix is my dealer, I'm hooked!

  3. I either read or watch tv/movies. My dvr is usually full to bursting and we have a Netflix subscription so I can always find something I want to watch. I've almost always got at least 2 books going at any given time too so there's that option. Of course I should be grading papers or cleaning house or working on household projects but...

    1. I went through the DVR too. Dang it, I forgot I had a book upstairs! I'll have to save it for next week when he'll surely be back to it.

  4. My 9-year old got me hooked on HGTV! I used to watch the Food Network when nothing was on, but now I tend to go for HGTV. I hate that it makes my house feel SO inadequate, though. I was happy with my house until Noah started pointing out how "dated" it is! ;)

    1. That is TOO funny! "Mom, that brass shower trim is so dated!" I like watching those shows but I also don't like the unrealistic or "overstyled" look of the afters on those shows. I need nooks I can cram things in when company comes! LOL

  5. Yeah, my default bored at night activity is usually TV too!

  6. I clean, I dance, usually at the same time. And when the dust settles I watch dumb tv, like Say Yes to the Dress. Funny but what a time waster. The worst is if I watch cooking shows on Create TV because I will want to cook at 10:30pm. Not good at all.

    1. That's a fun way to get the cleaning done! I don't know what it is about that dress show but don't even get me watching one because I'll get sucked in within a 10 second time frame!

  7. I have to stay out of the living room when I am bored because it is connected to the kitchen and I will eat out of boredom.

    I like doing puzzles-they can occupy my mind and my hands which is so important for me staying away from unnecessary eating

    1. Man, I haven't done a puzzle in ages! I think it might be time!

  8. I do a lot of reading of either magazines or paperbacks, and noodle around on the computer a lot. I'm terrible with just sitting and watching tv. I love certain shows, but I always seem to have a book in my hand or my fingers on the keyboard when they are on--not good! I also tend to use night time for looking up/sorting through recipes.

    1. I need to remember I have Aisha Tyler's book to read. Since he'll have to do that all over again, I'll bust into it more then!

  9. I love how normal your blog is! You're just an average woman who's trying to lead a healthier lifestyle with her husband. And what I've read from the few posts I have so far, you guys definitely have a good relationship to take on the task of getting healthier together :) Many well wishes!


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