
Monday, April 22, 2013

Small victories, weekend eats and shopping buys

It was a good but busy weekend.  We kicked it off Friday night with our annual viewing of Airplane!  I love that Peter Graves was completely unaware of half the jokes he told because he was a serious actor at the time.  His wife fell on the floor laughing at the premiere along with all of the other attendees before he knew what comedy bubblin' crude he helped strike.  

(Took pic whilst watching the movie)
We tend to start laughing before a joke is even told because of the anticipation of it.

Striker: "Surely you can't be serious?
Rumack: I am serious. And don't call me Shirley."

Co-Pilot Roger Murdock(to Capt. Oveur): "We have clearance, Clarence.
Capt. Oveur: Roger, Roger. What's our vector, Victor?"

"I just want to tell you both good luck...we're all counting on you."

I could quote it forever but I'll spare you.

Saturday was full of yummy eats.  I remembered to take pics of breakfast!  Breakfast was a 2 white, 1 whole egg omelet with 1/2 slice lacy swiss cheese, 1 chicken apple sausage and 6 oz of home fries.  The Mr says he doesn't know why I go all out for breakfast when he could just eat oatmeal.  Screw that, I eat oatmeal during the week, I don't want that crap on the weekend!  Lunch was a spicy chicken sandwich with that Sargento Ultra Thin Pepper Jack cheese (skip rip), an ear of corn with 1/2 tbsp light butter and Garden of Eatin's no salt added blue tortilla chips with World Market's queso.

Our sweet for the day were two chocolate long johns.  I planned our whole day around these because we were craving them so badly that a serious binge was going to come on if we didn't get them.  (We usually get three and if that horrifies you...too bad...HA! our fatter days we ate six a piece so yeah, 2-3 is a major improvement).  They were worth every calorie.  Dinner was two individual TJ's Bambino Pizza Formaggio's and TJ's cheddar chipotle bites so I didn't really have to cook.  We had to have a more substantial side because the past 2 times we've had it, we were hungry 2 hours later when we had it with a veggie or salad.  Total calories: 2539.  I was over by about 40 calories but I knocked down Sunday by about 200 calories than we've been doing the past 2 Sundays.

Saturday Victory:  On our way to go shopping, we drove past a Krispy Kreme with the hot light on.  This is like having an addict's dealer standing on the corner and any other time we would've gone straight through that drive thru and gotten one hot glazed donut each.  I wanted to cry as we passed by it.  Yes, I have a problem...sue me.  But our calories were planned and there was no wiggle room for it.  Sigh.

Hey at least our cheat meals even before the no restaurant meals lockdown for April don't look like Dwayne Johnson's...
Image sent from a friend via Dwayne Johnson's Twitter...yes he eats ALL of that!

Now that I feel better about myself, let's move on to Sunday's eats.  Breakfast was Crunchy Biscoff French Toast with half a serving of  coconut syrup and maple syrup respectively, two slices of center cut bacon and a a bowl of cantaloupe and pineapple.  Drink was green tea.  Lunch was a quick one for me, we had lasagna leftover in the freezer from last weekend so I heated that up and we finished off our last two Hawaiian rolls with 1/2 tbsp light butter.

That bowl of apple slices is our Sunday Victory.  We were seriously twitching for some ice cream.  He was thinking of asking about going to a gourmet ice cream place close to us and I was thinking of suggesting the fro-yo place.  When we were at a grocery store I said everything looked good and we both confessed what we were thinking and agreed on the fro-yo place.  We went inside and there were a lot of people there.  As I scanned the flavors, the only thing that sounded good to me was the chocolate and for fro-yo to be worth it for me I need to pair it with something like mint.  The Mr saw two flavors he liked and I told him to go ahead.  He said he wasn't getting something if I wasn't and I said I wasn't impressed.  So we left.  We still needed to go to another grocery store so I said we could get something there and I was thinking maybe one of those wee lil' Ben and Jerry's with 1/2 cup of ice cream to scratch that itch.  As we got our produce, I grabbed two extra pink lady apples and when we met up I said "apples will be our snack this afternoon."  The Mr gave me a look like "I hate you but you're right."  He smiled and said that was fine.  When I cut it up and we finished he said "you know what, I didn't feel like I missed out on anything" and I replied "just the guilt" and we high fived.  So it may have only been like 40 calories less than the fro-yo we were going to get but I'd rather get the fruit in right now.  Go us.  Dinner was BBQ chicken naan pizza using two slices of the Sargento Ultra Thin Pepper Jack (did I mention skip it?) and brussels.  Calories for the day:  1900  We also did a kick ass workout of Turbo Fire 45 EZ and I burned 1235 calories.  A great way to start off the exercise week!

We did a little shopping for the upcoming summer travel season.  I tried on one of the swimsuits in my suitcase and it was too big for me so I wanted to see if we could find a tankini top so I could switch out with my other one or pair with some bike shorts I got for water sports.  (These thighs aren't seeing the public if I have any say in it and unless there's a toe tag on me, I've gotta say!)  I'm not totally in love with it but it's the best I saw of fat lady options so I got it.  The Mr really seemed to like it.  I also got this earring and necklace set to dress up a plain Old Navy maxi dress.

I'm not a huge nail polish person but when I do, I like subtle.  I don't like greens, blues, black, browns, etc.  I like feminine colors.  I got the colors "Heartthrob" (left) and "Dream date" (right).  Heartthrob is really neutral and Dream Date is a sheerish pink color with shimmer.  So if you put it on your nails, it would look like nothing was on it until you turned it a certain way and it would pick up the light.

That's about it for us.

What did you guys do this weekend?

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  1. We have done so good this April. Truly a model for us to live by once we get back from our trip. Thanks so much for the wonderful food which is a huge part of the success there. Wow, cannot believe The Rock's epic cheat meal. That makes me feel better too!

    1. We have done really well. I wish we hadn't had the Easter meltdown because that basically effed us the first week. Maybe one decade we'll learn. Yeah, if we ever feel bad about our high cal days we can just refer to Dwayne's cheat meal and not feel so bad. Of course we also don't require like 30,000 calories to maintain our 4% body fat and rippling muscles either so...

  2. Shopping, housework, soccer and the park. Not really exciting, but not a bad weekend all in all. When I used to wear nail polish I like to go bold, but I'm not a fan of blues and greens either. Bright shiny red, maroon, reddish purple... but these days my tastes have changed and I wear my nails shorter and with no polish.

    1. I like occasional pops of color on my nails but I like to wear something I can pair with lots of outfits, not something I'm going to have to change a few times a week because it doesn't go with what I want to wear. I know you don't have to be all matchy matchy these days but what can I say I'm a little traditional to a degree. :)

      If you're done with your housework, come on over and do mine! HA!

  3. awesome on snacking on apples instead...I passed on the order of black rice pudding in a thai place this weekend..victory..

    love the nail colors..those are the colors I wear too..i dont like the darker kind...i chew my nails (guilty) light colors for me...

    1. Good for you for passing up the pudding! Victory indeed!

      Thanks! I just painted my left hand with the non glittery color and it give the appearance of healthy pink nail but you can still see the white of your real nails under it. I like it a lot! Purty!

    2. Yup i like that too..healthy pink style..BTW just saw what is defined as Dwayne's cheat

  4. I think I need to schedule an "Airplane!" viewing soon; it's been awhile. (I'm pretty sure I shared with you that my Dad's wife's name is Shirley and my brother and I get a lot of mileage out of "and don't call me Shirley." )

    1. You do! Oh that's right! Yeah I would totally join in on that joke. I bet she wants to smack them when they all get together! LOL

  5. I love reading to see what ya'll do for meals - I love to cook, but part of the trouble is finding yummy stuff that isn't crap! You're recipes are great... Can you tell me about your naan pizza and the spicy chicken sandwich? Please? :D!

    1. I agree! It can be a struggle to find stuff that tastes restaurant quality without being riddled with sodium. (Our sodium was a little higher than I'd have liked but probably a couples thousand less than if we'd gone out)

      I use the chicken portion of this recipe for the sandwich:

      Instead of the spices I use in that breading I used cayenne pepper, white pepper and smoked paprika.

      For the bbq naan pizza recipe, the link is here:

      I hope you enjoy them, I know we do! :D

  6. My house is SO clean! It's for sale and we had an open house on Sunday - hope it stays clean and neat for a long time!
    Had meals out on both Saturday and Sunday - will get down to business again today. I do much better when I eat at home.
    I've done advance meal planning for 2 weeks now and I love it (thank you).
    I like the subtle, light nail polish, too. It classier and cleaner looking.

    1. Ooh, do you have a new place lined up or are you selling then house hunting? It amazes me how out of control the house gets just from food prep. I want a "real" kitchen!

      YAY! So glad you're doing well with the meal planning! It really does help so much especially when cooking is the last thing you want to do. I need to use up some spaghetti sauce I opened some I'm thinking baked ziti then freeze it up in portions for an upcoming staycation.

      I think the nail colors will look nice once I have a faux tan going. :)

  7. You guys did great!!!! I'm super proud of you!!

  8. Sounds like a kick-ass weekend to me! Full of good eats and good decisions. That red "HOT NOW" light at Krispy Kreme is hard to resist. We don't even have one in Lincoln, we have to go 50 miles down the road to Omaha, but I've stopped by there more than once when I was up that way. NO MORE though. That is part of my past, at least that's what I tell myself.
    LOVE that necklace and earrings. Like you, I prefer the feminine colors in nail polish, although I have branched out lately into deeper reds. But blue, green, black? No Thanks! The tankini idea is a good one, I may have to look into that with some bike shorts, cause these upper thighs of mine are horrible and I have to really build up the courage to go out in public in my one-piece suit that doesn't hide my upper armed batwings, nor the floppy thighs. But those longer shorts would help with the legs anyhow.
    Oh...and we still repeat, "Don't call me Shirley," whenever anyone uses a phrase that includes the word "surely."

    1. Good on ya if you can put that hot light in your past. I don't have a desire to break up with KK ever but it must be accounted for or it's a no go. I like deep reds too, it's usually what I go to in fall of if I'm wearing darker colors.

      The trick with the tankini can be finding one long enough in the torso for me with being so tall. I think that one will do. I suppose I should try it on with the shorts first though. Oops!

  9. Thanks for keeping it real about the Krispy Creme and chocolate long johns. I've been eating some low-fat ice cream sandwiches to tame the ice cream itch, but Ben and Jerry's is my favorite. I'm going to try the naan pizza very soon. Our family usually has pizza night on Thursday, and we make the crust and sauce from scratch. Going from half a pizza to 1 or 2 slices is too difficult right now but substituting the naan pizza would let me have pizza too and make calculating calories much easier.

    1. You know I will. I have no desire to give up donuts or cupcakes on this journey but I won't lie when I indulge. We used to get the Skinny Cows all the time but then we felt like they didn't taste very good (or I guess kind of artificial) so we cut them out. Now? I'd probably get those chocolate graham crackers, put 1 serving of my favorite ice cream in the middle and freeze them.

      The naan pizza is so awesome. It feels like such an indulgence!

  10. Way to go on those victories! :-) And the necklace set and new swim top are super cute.

    I had an awesome weekend with just my hubby in Lake Arrowhead. It was PERFECT.

    1. Thanks sassy pants! Ooh, your weekend sounds amazing! I hope to see pics, hint hint! ;)

  11. You guys both rock. I so enjoy reading your blogventures and I love your no-baloney writing style! Hey - on the sweet treat craving, have you tried the "banana" ice cream yet? I don't even like bananas that much in real life, but I've been freezing them and then whirring the chunks in my Ninja thingie with a Tablespoon of cocoa and some splenda and it really comes out awesome! My husband is a chocaholic and an ice cream lover and the frozen banana ice cream really makes you feel like you are eating the real thing! But kudos on the apple slices - that was a big victory!!

    1. Thanks so much Peg! We eat banana soft serve every day, it's our nighttime snack. Sometimes we'll do the chocolate but we burnt out on it so currently it's banana and pineapple with guava juice and chia seeds. Tastes like summer!

  12. I love that earring and necklace set! Where did you purchase it?

    1. Kohls! It was on sale for $13 for the set then I got another 20% with their coupon for the weekend. Yes please!

  13. Now you are making me crave donuts! I'm so irritated because I've been trying to be good on the weekends and when we went out to lunch and Chris got this insane, OTT meal, I had a plain veggie burger. And fine, I had fries on the side and I ordered a dessert, but that was my splurge and I was good the rest of the day. I GAINED 4 POUNDS. Seriously, wtf. And Chris gained 1.

    1. You don't want those donuts. They had maggots in them instead of cream. Do you still want them? :D

      Oh I know! 4 lbs is my usual "gain" on the weekends when I don't implement "no restaurants" and you know damn well you didn't eat, what, 14,000 calories!? Then I spend all week just hoping to break even or lose a pound. That tells you just how much crap restaurants put in our food. Demon eateries!

  14. SERIOUSLY, there is such a thing as coconut syrup??? This former coconut-hater turned can't get enough coconut nut has got to find me some of that! Oh, my, that would be fabulous! I have to agree the donuts look good. Been keeping up with you but haven't posted in a while. I THINK life is starting to slow down so hope to catch up more. You still rock!

    1. Oh yeah! If you have a World Market, they carry it. Also if you're ever passing through Cincinnati, a big ol' grocery store called Jungle Jim's probably has it. ;)

      Glad to hear things are slowly down. Drop me a line and catch me up!

  15. Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend! And yeah you with Sunday's victory!! I had a conference on Saturday morning that I brought a friend to. In the afternoon the hubs and I took the pooches for a drive to check out the river entrances that are completely flooded (as in the parking lots are non-existent from the floods), then went shopping at Valle Produce. In order to not be tempted to weigh in (until July) I took the battery out of my scale and threw it in the garbage. Wallah, temptation gone. The rest of the weekend was laundry, paying bills for the remainder of the month, and finishing a really good book. I was getting over a cold so the laid back weekend helped me tremendously.

    1. Thanks girl! Sounds like you had a good weekend and got the rest you needed! Good on ya for taking the battery out of the demon!


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