Tuesday, April 30, 2013

My last official appointment with Johnny Angel

Well yesterday was it.  My last appointment with my Johnny Angel...Dr B.  I'm still in pain everyday mostly when I work out but it's nowhere near as bad as it was.  I think ditching the orthotics was a good move for me because at the last appointment he said they could be working against my progress due to all of the good work I was doing in physical therapy.   Most of it in part to this bad boy...

The Reebok Balance Board (affiliate link) has been a God send in helping to build up the muscles in the front of my legs which were so weak when I started going in January.  Now my muscles are so strong that BOTH of my legs have knots in the muscles!  He really worked me over.  A couple of the massage moves brought tears to my eyes and he apologized but said he needed to loosen them up.  He avoided one huge one on my problem leg and just worked the smaller ones because he said I would be sore for many days afterward on that one and I've got places to be, yo!  So my legs were pretty sore right after and into the night but feeling better now.

He said I can come back on an "as needed" basis but basically I'm released as an official patient under his care and the balance board is a "for life" thing to keep up my strength.  It will help rebuild the muscles in my legs that were so screwed up from overuse and repetitive motion injury.

Am I back to the maniac mode I was in before?  Hardly.  I don't think it's necessary and I'm burning about the same calories that I did before my injury so I'm happy with that.  I don't need to do plyometrics, crazy moves that pound my joints and such to burn calories.

I am so grateful to my chiropractor for helping me through this injury and making it as easy as possible.  I've got to say I'm thankful I didn't draw the short straw and get his partner because I encountered him again today and he seems douchey.  I think having the doctor that is right for you makes all the difference not only in your recovery in general but in your attitude to WANT to do what they say.

Have you overcome any injuries?  Do you think a personable doctor makes a difference in recovery?

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  1. I'm so glad you are officially released. It means that you've worked hard and have earned it. I know it hurts but hopefully it is all worth it in the long run and eventually you can say that you are completely healed!

    1. Me too, I just wish he hadn't turned my legs into mince meat. Yow!! I'd better be able to say I'm healed. If you'd told me I'd still be dealing with this almost 5 months later...well, I'm glad I didn't know that! LOL

  2. Having the right fit for a doctor can make all the difference. Two different doctors can tell a patient the exact same thing and have the patient react 2 totally different ways. I've had some doctors I've really liked, and some that I really didn't. Right now the doctors I see are all kind of neutral - I don't really like them, but I don't dislike them either. Except my son's asthma doctor - I really like him and his whole office.

    1. Yeah, I love my chiro and my gynie but I'm kind of indifferent to our family doctor so it's like I'm more likely to brush off what she says or research something she says to see if it's actually right or popular opinion. Dr. B could tell me the sky is magenta and I'd probably believe him. The podiatrist I initially saw was HORRIBLE and her staff all sucked as well so before I even got seen by her I didn't want to see her. That should've been a red flag.

  3. Oh yeah definitely helps...
    I had a tail bone injury..I used to be part of a roller derby team and during tryouts...I fell and bounced on my tail bone literally...and had to stop doing such activities..
    so I went to an acupuncturist and after 5 sessions I was good as new:)..her confidence and ease with which she put me at ease made all the difference

    1. Roller derby!? Girl, you are full of surprises! Bad ass! I've always thought acupuncture might be beneficial. Glad it worked for you!

  4. A good doctor is worth their weight in gold. Yay great doctors and yay that you have "graduated" and have found some great tools for you. A balance board has been on my wish list for a very long time. Might be time to finally do something about that. Glad to hear that it has made a difference and is an important tool. There are somethings that you see and think "that might be interesting", but aren't certain that it will be worth the investment. I think that's where I've been with a balance board, but I have TERRIBLE shins and if it helps then it's worth a try :).

    1. If you have bad shins, that baby will take care of them for SURE! He said for runners and active people that is one of the most important but underused tools out there and for cheap. My muscles around my shins were awful and now he said they're strong...like ox. Okay maybe HE didn't say that but it was implied. ;)

  5. I'm so glad you stuck with it! Sometimes continuing to go is the hard part, at least for me anyway. I hiked to the top of the local mountain a couple years ago and after my knee was really huge. I went to the PT and found out I have arthritis so that was a bummer. I went and got some move to help strengthen my feet and thighs. It's hard to keep at it and really I should pull those out again. And, yes, a supportive doc makes all the difference!

    1. I make the PT exercises a part of my routine. When I brush my teeth in the morning, I do my achilles stretches. Then at the end of the workouts while the Mr does the DVD stretches, I do the balance board and then we do achilles stretches to stretch through the tarsal tunnel. I'm actually going to bring the balance board on vacay to keep up with it. This made the doc very happy! :)

  6. I just bought that balance board through your link. :) I have really bad balance! I'm so happy to hear that you're doing better--you must be so relieved! WOO HOO! :D

    1. Well let me be the first to thank you for your purchase and the small kickback that will ensue. I will put it toward an awesome plate for a recipe in the future! I think you will love it! It has seriously helped my leg strength!

  7. Just graduated from my physical therapy yesterday and oh how I am going to miss my DPT, Jessica! She was so fantastic and it sure did make a difference...I could really relate to how I was way more willing to do what she told me because I completely trusted and respected her...something that wouldn't have been the case if she/he had been a total a$$. :-)

  8. Thanks so much for sharing your journey!! I have been diagnosed with TTS as well and am having a lot of issues getting it treated. Are you able to share the name of your chiropractor? And is there another link to the ultrasound wand that you have? Many thanks!!


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