
Friday, April 12, 2013

Osmosis and Friday Food Journal

Man last night I really didn't want to exercise.  I chose to do Paul Katami's Kettlebell workout and the closer it came time to get to it, the more I didn't want to do it.  I attempted to do it via osmosis...

Um yeah, that didn't work.  Sigh.  So fifty minutes later we were done and I was sweaty and gross with 670 calories burned.

I'll say that the water is definitely uh...keeping things moving.  I'll go straight to TMI land and say that a typical week of #2 is 3x per week.  I've always been that way.  The Mr is much more regular than that.  This week, I'm an everyday kinda gal and I think that's probably better, right?  Did I totally make you not want to read anymore?  Are you unsubscribing?  Hey, whaddaya want, the weight loss road is not always pretty!

After that I'm sure you're more than anxious to see what I ate now.  I know, horrible segue.

Let's eat.  Unless you're going to barf.

Sunday night were the meatloaf cupcakes I spoke of (lean beef, caramelized onions and mashed potatoes) with a side of brussels.  Calories:  707

Monday was BBQ salmon burger with arugula, russet wedges w/ 1 tbsp ketchup and peas.  Calories:  455

Tuesday was coconut shrimp with 1 tbsp cocktail sauce, chipotle potato bites and corn.  Calories:  635

Wednesday was TJ's spinach ricotta ravioli, a Hawaiian dinner roll with roasted garlic and a side of brussels. Calories:  634

Thursday was BBQ Chicken Naan pizza with a side of brussels.  Calories:  710

Tonight is orange chile tilapia over quinoa duo.  Calories:  600

This weekend we're going out of town for a family event.  We were going to go to one of our favorite restaurants but decided against it.  We need to go cold turkey this month and hope to get off as much weight as possible so pre-packed crap for us.

No weigh in's here until the end of the month so you'll get a break from me on the weekend.

What's on your agenda for the weekend?  If you care to talk about your bathroom habits, let 'er rip!

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  1. If only osmosis could work. But it ended up being a great workout and I felt so good after that it was worth it in the end. Thanks for another great week of food. I should just copy and paste that sentence every week because it fits every week!

    1. I know, right? But yeah, I was glad it was done with my own muscles...I guess. Hmmph.

      Thanks hon. I try to keep it yummy for ya! :)

  2. Did you make the coconut shrimp or was that something you got at Trader Joe's? I ask because one of my favorite foods is coconut chicken from a place that recently closed and I haven't been able to duplicate it.

    Let's see - bathroom habits so I don't leave you hanging out there on your own. More water = more trips (duh) for both #1 & #2.

    1. The coconut shrimp is Trader Joe's. It's good but not like restaurant quality good, ya know? I'm thinking if you get some raw shrimp, toss them in seasoned cornstarch, then dip in an egg wash, then dip in coconut shreds you could get close?

      You just reminded me I need to start chuggin'.

  3. Theirs was more of a coconut flavored batter & a coconut sauce - no shredded coconut in sight. I'm thinking maybe a roux with light coconut milk for the sauce and maybe an egg wash with more coconut milk and then either flour or panko. I haven't made it work yet though. I'll start chugging when I've had my daily requirement of coffee - some days I just can't do without.

  4. I am running a 10k tomorrow, and that's the main thing going on this weekend. I am a regular pooper. LOL I tend to go once a day, usually in the morning. Before I started getting healthy, I pooped constantly! I don't have a gall bladder and eating fatty foods make you have the runs, so when I wasn't eating as well I'd poop all the time. Sorry for being so gross. LOL Every now and then I have an issue w ith constipation. It's not horrible, but it almost seems like it should be impossible with all the water I drink, fruit I eat and exercise I do. I am thinking maybe it's hormonal, because sometimes around my period I'll be constipated and then have the runs. UGH

    1. Good luck on your 10K! I'm sure you'll rock it!

      I don't have a gall bladder either and I kept hearing how I was going to get diarrhea and never got it. Hmmph! I've found eating chia seeds helps keep things...uh..."pliable and/or passable." I notice the same type of thing close to my period too. Curse you Aunt Flo!

    2. I hate AF. It decided to come 3 days earlier than it normally does, so I will be running the 10k tomorrow with it. I am hoping it eases up some, because I feel like crud today!

    3. Aww man! TRIPLE CURSE you Aunt Flo!! Drink some green tea and see if that helps. It always calms things down a bit for me.

  5. I'm not offended by poop talk. What's weird is I used to go all the time, now the heal tier I eat, the less I go! And I do get at least 8 cups of water a day...maybe I need to step it up!

    Have a great weekend! I'm proud of you!

    1. Glad to hear it! :) Maybe you could up it for a week as an experiment and see if that makes a difference.

      Aww, thanks! I'm kinda proud too. I seriously hope this is going to be a habit!

  6. Not too much planned for the weekend....I need to get my Ma some birthday gifts, hit a trail if the weather cooperates, get to the gym at some point, watch Lincoln and I'm going to make some soup and maybe a little surf and turf for dinner tonight. Should be a good one. Enjoy!

    1. Sounds like a good weekend planned for nothing much planned! :) Enjoy the surf and turf for both of us! YUM!

  7. Okay, I'll go there. I'm a daily visitor, if you know what I mean. My plan for the weekend is to take a 10 minute walk come rain or shine. That's probably about 8 minutes more than my body will want me to go, but I can wait no longer to start moving this body. Pain be darned.

    1. I know whatcha mean and thanks for sharing! :) You can do it, rock that walk!!

  8. I think it is great how you will talk about things that are not talked about but should be. I'm an everyday girl and I want to keep it that way. LOL
    Your food plates always look so good. Thanks for sharing everything.

    1. Yeah, that's me. Rarely appropriate. LOL Good on ya for keepin' it regular, yo!

      Thanks, I try to keep it yummy so we don't get bored.

  9. Not only does the food look great, but so do your plates! I'm all about fun plates in either patterns or shapes (mine are square). As far as bathroom news...I have to say there are few things better on some days that a bathroom cabinet full of toilet paper and a magazine rack filled with all kinds of good reads....yep, I'm old. =o)

  10. Whenever I go to your blog, I'm reminded that I need to pick up a bag of brussels sprouts next time I go shopping. I haven't had them all spring! :/

  11. Did a whole week menu and stuck to it - thanks for the suggestion.
    I do have to refine lunches. That still puzzles me as I never know what I will be doing at that time. Working on that as I start my next weeks' menu.


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