Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Happy 2020!

Happy New Year everyone!  I hope you're still in bed sleeping in or sleeping it off depending on what you did last night!  Anyone else wondering how the heck it's 2020 because I still remember when it was 2000 and it doesn't feel like 20 years ago!

The lesson there boils down to the voice John Hughes gave Ferris Buehler.  Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.  So don't make resolutions if you don't want to.  Just remember to look around once in a while.  Don't complain about weather that isn't your favorite because there's no such thing as bad weather, just the wrong clothes.

Happy 2020 everyone!

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  1. Gigglesnort. "no bad weather, just the wrong clothes". I'm so going to remind of you that this summer when it's furnace of hell hot and society dictates that we can only strip off so much clothing.

    I remember ringing in 2000 very clearly and have no idea how it got to be 20 years later. That was a good NYE, one of my best in memory. I'm still kind of wondering what happened to the 80s though.

    1. I will be in the house naked with saran wrap over my open arse on the couch when hell hot with the A/C set on 65 as usual so remind away! ROFL


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