Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Hump Day Poll: Spring Break

Spring Break is in the not so distant future.  I was thinking back to my own breaks as a kid.  Since it was a one-income family from age 9 on, we couldn't go anywhere on a consistent basis but a few times we did go to Florida. 

Once with my parents and aunt/uncle driving in a van with me sleeping on a bean bag.  The other, a few years after the parent's divorce to Florida again but to stay with my great grandparents for a cheap but much-needed vacation.

Where is the farthest you went for family vacations as a kid?  Did you fly or drive or both?  Is there somewhere you wished you went but didn't get to?

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  1. The furthest we went would have been Florida as well and it was the only time we went there as a family. It was also my first ever flight at that point and I was 12 so Disney was a little bit too kiddie for my liking at that point but of course I loved The Haunted Mansion. I was also a big fan of Epcot which had only been opened for a couple of years at that point so everything was new and high tech, for its time.

  2. My parents had 8 years of traveling before they had kids - they wanted to keep it up despite the wee ones. So they bought a camper and travel the country we did!! While all my friends flew to exotic destinations on their vacations, we drove & camped. Yes, I was sad to be the 'poor' family who couldn't afford those types of vacations, but now, as an adult looking back, I feel terrible sad for those "rich" kids who only got to see palm trees and blue oceans. One year, Dad had saved up his vacation time and we went on a 6 week tour of the country - From CT to CA and many states (& tourist traps) in between!

  3. We flew a few times to different places, but mostly it was road trips. My paternal grandpa and maternal grandma lived about 8 hours away from each other and grandpa's was a 20 hour drive. We made the trip usually once a year. Plus various other road trips. We did Disney once, and drove deep into Mexico to a lesser known resort place. I've never been to Florida or Hawaii and although I've been to Maine I wasn't old enough to remember. I'd love to do a fall New England trip.

  4. When I was a young child the furthest we travelled was to the White Mountains of New Hampshire. We drove. Airfare was too rich for our blood at that time. It was also my first time out of the country.

    I didn't fly for the first time until I was a teenager when my mother, brother, and I few across the country to Edmonton, where we met my father who had driven across the country. From there we spent three weeks driving and camping through Alberta and British Columbia, spending a week in Vancouver at the home of a friend of my mother's. The three of us then flew home from Vancouver, while my father drove back again.

  5. Family vacations were up to the north woods of Wisconsin (with a trip to Bonn Falls and Porcupine Mtns in Michigan), once to camp in Colorado, and once to CA to visit relatives. When I was an older teenager I went with my boyfriend's family to nine different states out west on that I think was a 2 or 3 week trip if I recall.

  6. Family vacations were to visit family. Lucky for me my grandparents were early snowbirds so I visited them in Naples at least once a year from about age 7 or so. And most times we drove all the way from Northern Ohio. When we were very little that meant going to sleep in the van and our parents got up at 5 am to start driving. Also made regular trips to the Chicago suburbs and occasional trips to New England. I've been very lucky in my travel opportunities but definitely have logged more road than air miles.


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