Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Is It Me(me)?

That moment when you realize it's 11:50pm, your proofreader is in bed and you haven't done a post yet because you got sucked into your favorite farmhouse on IG.  Whoops!

Because my day was exceptionally boring, I thought I'd go to a meme page of people who think they have it in them to create the next viral sensation and thought I'd share the ones that actually made me chuckle/cross my legs laughing and not roll my eyes.

All images from Meme.com's Instagram.

Dude is a friggin' dog hero.  This is the stuff of dog lore.
Yep...me also.

Aww, sweetness!

Every single time.  It's still never helped me land the shot I called.

Yep!  Loving Is Easy by  Rex Orange County.   When it starts fading out, I restart it because it's too short...like I just did. (Language)
 I'm pretty sure this clown got fired from Krispy Kreme because this is about the caliber of any "special edition" donut we used to try to buy.

I couldn't stop laughing...the struggle is real.

And finally...

I hope you got a chuckle or guffaw or two!

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  1. Those are all classic and made me chuckle as well. Have any of us ever questioned why we need all that chalk on the pool stick? We just know we need it!

  2. The door hanging is brilliant! The Home Depot car, the favorite song, & shopping at Target - me to a tee!!! Hmmmm, now I'm wondering if my whole life is not simply a string of memes......

  3. These are hilarious! The smiling dog is just precious! A great hoot to start my day. So funny!

  4. Thanks for a laugh this morning, I needed it. I agree that is a man can do that, he should be allowed to. I have that Target thing happen all the time even when I'm not shopping at Target.


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