Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Hooky Day Shenanigans

I woke up yesterday to see the Mr was still sleeping about 20 minutes before he needed to leave for work.  I gently tapped him, asked if he was okay and he said he was taking a mental health day.  On his days off around the holidays, I've been dragging him here or there so he didn't really get to enjoy his time off the way HE wanted to.  Plus, Friday he had to act as himself, his supervisor and his boss monitoring three mailboxes all day as well as studying for a test.  In addition to the few people they lose that day anyway, someone called off, leaving them with a skeleton crew.  I get why he wasn't jazzed to jump back in between that and especially after seeing a poop storm was waiting for him.  You know what?  THEY can deal with it.  He's the one they always dump everything on because he's the only one that puts forth any effort anymore.

I decided to go back to sleep as long as possible so he could have whatever time alone in the morning.  Then when I got up, I saw he was watching Lost in Space Season 2 on Netflix which I have zero interest in.  After the episode, he was watching was over, he was going to turn it off.  I told him to watch it until the end.  I had him spend the day binging while I worked on some research I had to do.  I made a small dent in the stuff I needed to do while he watched the boob tube until 4pm or so.  I knew a headache was likely going to be in his future if past binge sessions were any indicator.  Since we had another sunny day (pffft), I figured we should get out in it and go for a walk at a park for another almost 3 miler.  We walked toward sunset so we had a nice view.

When we got home, I made dinner.  I warmed us up with some shrimp and cheese grits.

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We caught up on some stuff then continued with the fun...

This was the Mr's first time playing Racko in a while.  I used to play this with Grandma a lot.  When the Mr was done handing me my ass after that one, we went on to...

Uno gets pretty cutthroat pretty quick in our house.  Between the two games, the term "taint licker" may or may not have been used by both of us.

What do you like to do on your hooky days?

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  1. I really needed that. I feel recharged this morning and ready to tackle anything so it was worth taking some time off - that's what it's there for. I highly recommend it from time to time.

  2. I don't take many strictly hooky days, it's hard to get subs sometimes and making lesson plans for a sub is a PITA. I takes me 2 days to setup/catchup from being gone one day so most of the time it's not worth it. When I do take days off I like to read, catch up on the dvr or Netflix, or go do something fun in another town (like go to the zoo or something).

  3. I can't say that I've had one that I didn't plan ahead for to ask for time off in previous jobs. Same with the hubs. On his rare days off just from his regular schedule, I encourage him to do whatever he wants and if I happen to be home at the same time, I'll make that my errand day so he can enjoy some peace and quiet at home. He is taking a planned day off in a couple of weeks because he wants to go to a local hockey game to see the other team that he's a fan of as well, and he's excited because a bunch of school kids will be there since they are off that day, and that always makes it fun to see the kids yelling and getting all excited about the play on the ice. We'll enjoy that and it also allows him a full weekend off, so he'll feel well rested.


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