Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Hump Day Poll: My Younger Self Would Cringe

It's funny when you're like 16 years old or so and you're on that cusp of legal adulthood and think your style will remain the same.  I got a bedroom set of black lacquer with gold veneer on it and thought I was the shizz.  It looked similar to this...

I thought I would always be a modern girl and love black, white and red like we had at our wedding.  I think about the potential kitchen design we're about to inquire on and think of how my younger self would be like "who ARE you!?!"

I've always loved old, hand hewn beams, New England style and stuff like that but never thought I'd decorate with it.  (These days it's interpreted as "farmhouse" but unless you're decorating with a bunch of farm animals, I don't consider it farmhouse.) 

What has changed about you as you've gotten older that your younger self would cringe over?

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  1. Like you my decorating style has changed. My younger self LOVED anything Colonial - bulky & dark. Now I'm drawn to light & airy (love the kitchen design by the way). I cannot even say that I have a 'style'. I just have what I think looks good in my house. Hmmmm....that could be it. I no longer am confined by societal 'style' but simply surround myself with things and people that make me happy!

  2. I never had much of a style but I know when I like something and I agree with the fact that what I like has changed over the years. Luckily I like all the things you have put in our house so I am happy with our décor. I didn't even mind the black and gold stuff too much but I agree that it is dated, for us at least, now.

  3. Love the kitchen design!
    My style has changed considerably. I went from large chunky mission style tables to a taste for a more minimalist look. I am all for open space and have eliminated alot of furniture in my quest for that.

  4. Although I'm still in the midst of clutter, my goal is a very minimalist look. I'm no longer a big fan of knick knacks and things that take up space. I feel so clam when I'm in a room that has "clean lines." I laugh as I look around because I'm so far from that right now!
    My younger self also could not imagine walking around with zero makeup on and my hair in a ponytail. My hair was always a bit simplistic, so that's not a *huge* change, but I always, always, always had some kind of makeup on. Always wore concealer, foundation, etc. Now I wear none of that and pretty much just do eyeliner and clear mascara for my eyebrows (rarely even for my eyelashes!) I guess that goes with the minimalist look too. Snort!

  5. I've never had a lot of style sense so I don't think she'd cringe over my decorating choices. I'm not a fan of white anything because I'm messy and not the best housekeeper. I wish my kitchen didn't have orange countertops and my bathroom didn't have a yellow countertop and tub. I'm looking at a complete bathroom remodel in the near future, but the kitchen is at least a few years out. It was like this when I moved in, and if I've lived with it for nearly 18 years I can live with it a little longer.

    I've always liked muted colors on walls and natural woods.

  6. I remember that sleek black look so well. I see those and think of audio cabinets and MTV.

    I've learned to design for my habits and my space. I don't dust often enough so I have to stay away from knick-knacks even though I do like them. I'm more likely to keep surfaces clean if they don't already have items on them. I enjoy bolder colors than I would have thought as a teen. I tried to cram furniture I liked into my first home then had to replace things when they ended up not fitting the space.


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