Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Productive and butt kicked


Yesterday was a super productive day.  I got a lot of stuff done that I needed to and now I only have one thing I need to focus on instead of three or four.  I wasn't sure I could get back into being that productive so soon but it was out of necessity.  There's nothing better than having a workload off of your shoulders.

The Mr and I were both super sore from the previous night's strength session.  The deadlifts and lunges really tightened the ol' rumps so I said I didn't have it in me to do something like Turbo Fire.  So what did we do instead?  Tae Bo Get Ripped.  You know because it's so much easier.  [dripping with sarcasm]  I even tried to modify a bit but dang it was still a butt kicker.    So there's my part of adding in more moderate exercise for the month.  We should both be crippled by week's end.  HA!  On the upside, I hit two bottles of water so that was good.

I was glad I had the last of my pre-made meals in the freezer and was able to just heat up some chili for dinner. 

Since we're still dealing with snow, we were under blankies and had the fireplace going while getting deeper into season three(affiliate link)   Then it was time for some tea and that about rounds it out. 

I know, nothing exciting but that's day to day livin' yo.

What workouts kick your butt?

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  1. That was some awesome chili and hit the spot after the workout. I am more sore than expected but we haven't done Tae Bo in a while so that'll do it. It is a good week for workouts so far though and that makes it worth it cause I feel great. I mean, honestly, soreness can be a good reminder that you have accomplished something too.

    1. A hot shower is definitely in order to loosen things up for me. My plan going forward is four days of harder stuff at the beginning of the week and taper for recovery Thursday and Fridays.

  2. Will you be able to snowshoe this weekend? It's been super windy here so I've been hiding in the house any time I'm not at work. I have a hard time hitting higher intensities when I work out at home, so I'm looking for a class to take a few times a week that will kick my butt.

    1. I wish! In April, if you're not going to give me my required 4" base, don't bother. (That's what she said.) A stupid trick I use to bring the intensity at home is to pretend I'm being filmed for an exercise video or being watched by people expecting me to fall. LOL

  3. So glad you got so much accomplished! That's always a great feeling. We're due for 1-3 inches of snow this afternoon, but freezing rain this morning -- has me super stressed out because I'll be in it for work right at that time. Then the rest of the week is in the 50's - go figure.

    The main workout routine that kicks my butt every single time is Pilates. Any time I'm doing those moves and trying to engage/strengthen my core I'm dripping in sweat and shaking. LOL


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