Thursday, April 12, 2018

Date night

My editor is in bed, and it's late, so forgive any typos/grammatical errors.

Yesterday was a productive day.  I was able to get a few things done but of course, not quite as much as I wanted.  I need to stop going to bed at 2-3am because I get late starts and then the day gets away from me but I'll take what I can get right now.

The Mr informed me Monday he wanted to take me out on a date Wednesday.  He would make dinner and told me to save room for licorice, and it was a surprise.

So he did his workout in the morning, and I was left to my own devices which meant it happened way later than I would've liked so that I didn't have to rush around.  Why change now?   About 1pm, I heard a rushing water sound and freaked out and ran into the kitchen because I thought it was flooding in there.  Nothing.  I checked outside and didn't see anything, so I went back to work.  An hour later, I went to get more water from the fridge, and the dispenser wouldn't work.  I was so irritated because I'm like "really God, now you're breaking my fridge?"  I said screw it and went to fill up from the tap, and it didn't work.  Awesome.  We have no water.  I have to pee like a racehorse, I still had to workout and no way to take a shower.  Hiss.  I called around until I finally got some smart ass giving me incompetence as the answer to my questions which was basically I had a potential of 5 more hours to go without water.  I messaged the Mr and told him to grab two big things of water on the way home since I had no idea how long it would be out.  So I didn't finish my workout until about 4pm, and between that and a company screwing up a month-long wait on an order I need, I was in a bad mood.  The Mr let me vent but was bouncing off the walls excited for our date night, so it was hard to be consumed by the nuisances of life.  Probably wouldn't have been the case a week ago though.  He even bought me flowers, but because I just threw out all of the funeral flowers the night before, I was used to them being there, so it wasn't until I saw the flower food in the kitchen that I thought to look at the table.

I was pretty sure he was taking me to see Cock Blockers.  (I don't know why they don't just call it the actual name of the movie.  I hear them say way worse on TV now!)  But nope, that wasn't it!  He took me to the 40th Anniversary screening of Grease(Affiliate link)  I have actually been jonesing to watch it again over the past couple of months, so this was perfect.  I remember wanting to see it when it came back for the 25th anniversary, but we didn't.  It was nice to see it on the big screen again, and since I've been listening to Marlon Williams version of Olivia's "Carried Away" a lot lately, I've already been in an ONJ mood.  The only thing that ruined it for us was this couple that came in as the movie was starting and they sat right beside the Mr (seriously?  Who reserves seats next to someone in a theater that is 1/3 full???  Her man dolt found it necessary to talk in a register just over conversational in a loud public mall setting, and she found it necessary to recite every damn line from the movie.  Look, lady, we ALL know the lines, now STFU because we didn't pay $25 to hear YOU.  Just after Summer Nights, the dude began talking loud and I yelled "VOLUME!" because Ruth Fisher was apparently nesting in me and needed to be released.  He basically shut up after that but she continued on, and they got up and moved two seats down.  He wasn't a problem, but she insisted on ruining lines, and the Mr said: "NOT FAR ENOUGH AWAY!"  She piped down for the most part to a more acceptable level that kept her from getting bitch slapped.  People ruin everything.  But it was nice to get to really absorb everything eye level and 40 feet high because we saw lots of stuff we don't see when it's on the small screen.  The same thing happened when we saw Groundhog Day in the theater in February.

Then we got out when Cock Blockers was starting so we checked the kiosk to see how crowded it was and because it was 9pm, it was also only 1/3 full, so we got in there with a lot of time to spare due to a lot of previews.  It was funny and ridiculous, but we needed some stupid humor right now.  If we'd rented it, I probably would've said some of the casting could've been better, but it served its purpose.

It was nice to get out on a "school night," and it was certainly nice to have dinner cooked for me!  :-)  So thanks hon, it was a nice surprise, and we need to do that more often!

What movie from your childhood would you like to see on the big screen again?

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  1. I'm glad you liked the surprise and yes we definitely need to do that kind of thing more often. I saw they are bringing the Karate Kid into theaters but don't worry you don't have to be dragged to that one. I always like it when they bring the original Star Wars to theaters too but would love to see any John Hughes classics on the big screen. Thanks for a great evening!

    1. I would love to see a Hughes movie on the big screen.
      Maybe we could rent a theater and do that because you know darn well with every generation after ours glomming onto Hughes, they'd be sold out and ANNOYING!
      Yeah, I'm seeing your movie Sunday, don't make me see Kara-tay Keed.

  2. Sounds like a great date night! I will never understand why people feel the need to sit right next to others in the theater when there are PLENTY of empty seats available. I just get so annoyed with the general public in situations like that anymore that we only go out to a movie if it's something we really want to see. I'm just getting old and crabby!

  3. How fun!!! That's exactly what you both needed and I'm so glad he pulled off the surprise beautifully! This is a night that will stand out in your mind as a wonderful break from all the heartache of the past month, where you could just breathe and be in the moment (despite the morons who don't know how to behave in public!!). I'm glad you didn't let them ruin you're date night and had a good time. Way to go, Mr.!!

  4. That sounds like a great date night! I hope your water is back on too. I'd like to see "Better Off Dead" and "Army of Darkness" in the theatre. I love both movies and didn't see either of them until I rented them on VHS. I did see "Christmas Story" in the theatre when it first came out, and I'd love to go see that again. I wish the local theatre would do an annual showing of that, I think it would be a fun tradition for them to start.

    1. Yes, thankfully the water is back on! You can bet I took a nice long shower too! It would be nice if the theaters showed old school Christmas movies during the season. You should road trip to the Christmas Story house in Cleveland. We did that once and it was pretty cool. I hear you can even stay overnight there on the 3rd floor now.

  5. "Star Wars: A New Hope" - and not the new messed up by George version!!

  6. South Pacific. The cinematography is gorgeous even on the small screen.

    1. Actually that one's coming back in August. Check to see if it's near you!

  7. "NOT FAR ENOUGH AWAY!!" Bwahahahahaha!!!


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